Mexican Cartels Join DEA in Opposition of U.S. State Marijuana Laws


420 Member
SALEM, Ore. - This nation is heading for a showdown with the Drug Enforcement Agency, a government arm nearing rogue status. They have been running awry of state laws in order to keep the pharmaceutical and insurance industries intact. The DEA is an enemy of the emerging data that keeps painting marijuana an even richer tone of green, and their interests a sootier shade of black.

They are the last vestiges of the Bush Administration's whacked out interpretation of how things should be. I don't know about you but I'm tired of the feds shoveling sh*t over the vibrant people of America.

The moral compasses of these so-called cops is soaring somewhere over the Bermuda Triangle. The centerpoints of the new campaign are both LA and San Diego Counties, where the will of the people is utterly devalued.

Marijuana never should have been criminalized and only a blind, closed minded society would seek to keep it that way. Clearly, it is not the will of the people that is at stake, but the profits of the above mentioned industries.

The feds want to lock up your sons and daughters, parents and grandparents, because of a plant that grows naturally in the ground. Pot laws are a farce and a case of extremely willful prejudice. Laws against marijuana are rooted in bigotry toward Mexicans and African-Americans.

Jack Herer, author of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes", wrote the book of all books on this subject. He exposed the process used to vilify and then criminalize this herb which helps Americans by the millions.

The DEA and other federal agencies want to incarcerate people and overly regulate this simple herb and you know who is on their team? That's right, the Mexican drug cartels. They are the DEA's friends.

Only a complete simpleton misses the connection.

Keeping marijuana illegal and non-commercial only helps big pharma, insurance, DEA job security, and these cold blooded drug dealing killers south of the border. The United States is economically strapped and the DEA wants to keep it that way.

In my view that makes them a danger to our very existence. The agency should be disbanded, they had their chance and they have miserably failed. In their heyday they added to the problem of "drugs in America" through their complicity with the Ronald Reagan/Ollie North era guns for drugs programs operated by the DEA's sister agency, the CIA.

Our writers Dr. Phil Leveque and Allan Erickson have written about this at length, along with Norm Stamper, former Seattle Police Chief, who is an active proponent and member of the forward thinking group called LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.

Americans have been had and now the DEA wants to rub salt in our wounds by proving that they don't have to follow state laws; as if they are somehow above it, as if somehow there is no United States at all.

People of the older generations might as well get it through their heads that practically everyone today either has or does use marijuana. Again, as Dr. Leveque has written hundreds of times over the years on these pages, marijuana has never caused a single death. It is an appropriate alternative to alcohol, which kills a person's liver.

Almost every single negative thing you have ever been taught in school, or told by a police officer about marijuana, is probably not true.

News Hawk- Weedpipe 420 Magazine - Cannabis Culture News & Reviews
Source: Salem-News
Author: Tim King
Contact: Salem-News.Com
Copyright: 2009 Salem-News
Website:Mexican Cartels Join DEA in Opposition of U.S. State Marijuana Laws
^^Further proof that Cannabis helps keep us young.
The bastards have offices in my town and in Montreal.The Harper government is still living in the mid 20th century and has made all dopers and especially pot heads as enemy #1.The DEA operates here with the complicity of our government.Their agents are allowed to carry firearms here in my country.They work all over the world and have been known to assassinate drug dealers instead of going through the legal system.Rogue is the only word for these murdering zealots.The recent arrest of the leader of the UN gang was arranged with the cooperation of the Mexican,Canadian and Amerikan governments.These people believe that they have the right to do whatever,wherever and whenever they like.The A&E network is almost all drug war propaganda.We are in a war for the hearts and minds of the world and the leader of the opposition are all murderers and bandits with the aid of liars and oligarchs.:peace:
I've found that i've had alot more problems with the "dare" generation...even had a family member rat out another family member as they felt with what they had been taught that it was the right thing to do...they have since grown older and somewhat wiser, but the thought in my head is, you're only innocent once and you kinda blew that one when you opened your mouth....only glad they didnt know about me...unfortunately, we have several of that group in our family, all kids about the same age....sure am glad the state got the chance to influence them so well...makes me sick..lavendar
well i am on the other side of the fence here fellas . by no means do i advocate murder by i'm right your wrong situation like you so vivdly put.

i would like pot to stay illegal for 2 reasons one i dont want my kids or family to smoke it regularly and two i would be out of a job. i work at a fast food joint n have had hundreds of jobs and the oppertunities are diminishing farther everyday. they took my liscence away they took my security liscence away n they (governments) will take whatever they can if you dont do what they want or follow the rules .however if i had not been wasted all the time for 20 years i would have thought about a better more stable and productive life instead of be ing a dirt merchant to live in a house n not starve. take that away n all ihave left are a few plants to smoke in the street, no thank you.
if your a recreational smoker whatever to all your political legalize propaganda . if you gave a shit about what really happens in the world you should be lobbying these agencies to stop human trafficing instead of gazeing into a smoke cloud your blowing .
you are not even to be touched by governments for your pocket trash. maybe probation for six months a bullshit 30 days in jail for an obscene amount you have been stupidly cought with. remember even in amsterdam you cant smoke in public what makes you think its going to happen here or there?

sick n dying patients to be able to do what they want i'll vote for that but not for me to become poor n homeless.
if it does become legal n taxed how will i be able to have a job working with cannabis ?
i doubt that oppertunity will arise in a role that i would be proud to have such as a pot shop or a breeder. that will be reserved for governments
choice or it will be like working at a 7 eleven. pot is a tiny problem compared to little girls being kidnapped n sold ,drugged , raped & tortured till the day they die. never saw a picket sign for that . everyone just cares about what is pertinant to them. pot smoke is not a problem as long as your not into advertising. you can smoke for free or you can buy it .

just for the record if you think you wont have to pay for it if its legal ? you are sadly mistaken because it will be twice as expensive .
i am an american and i firmly believe in your rights to do what it is that you want but within reason rapist ,murderers, crackheads, white collar criminals like the bushes are not welcome.!! and, well if you know right from wrong i can stand behind that.

sorry for the rant but it is a big subject that i take pretty serious and this is not an attack on previous posts just my opinion .and welcome any conversation on the matter. i like pot to stay where its at in an underground community.
I personally would just like to see it decriminalized.. I don't see a point in full on legalization, as like you stated will most likely be controlled heavily by the government.. In my opinion, a natural plant doesn't need to be controlled or regulated, especially a plant as harmless as cannabis. For this very reason, I don't ever see full on legalization ever happening.

I would just like to not get arrested for having a harmless hobby such as growing cannabis. I could care less about the retail side of things. It's a shame we can't have our plant, and the underground economy derived from it. The government always has to have their share don't they?

In regards to the original post and article, it only makes sense that the cartels would be in favor of stopping the US cannabis laws, as it will put them out of business. This should be a red flag to anyone with anti-cannabis views. If these dangerous drug dealers are supporting a foreign law, it has to be for their own benefit, or they wouldn't waste the time in supporting it.
You're reasons to keep Cannabis illegal are admittedly selfish and hypocritical. Don't take that hard...just an observation from what you said, although I don't really follow exactly what you're saying.

You're right, there are other issues that are very important. We don't talk about them much here because this is a site dedicated to spreading the truth about Cannabis.

Lot's of people (probably the majority - those closet smokers you don't know about) are very successful professionals. I don't think you can blame Cannabis for problems in your life. I know people who are millionaires from legal businesses, and I've never seen them NOT high.

The war on people via drug legislation hurts millions of people every year in the US alone. Over 800,000 arrests related to Cannabis, and then consider the affects those arrests have on employment, families, finances. Lives ruined, children taken from their parents. What's the benefit? Unless you're involved in law enforcement, litigation, drug testing, the prison or pharmaceutical industries, or someone else who can make a buck off of something that should be freely available...there are no benefits to mankind in keeping it illegal.
I personally would just like to see it decriminalized.. I don't see a point in full on legalization, as like you stated will most likely be controlled heavily by the government.. In my opinion, a natural plant doesn't need to be controlled or regulated, especially a plant as harmless as cannabis. For this very reason, I don't ever see full on legalization ever happening.

I would just like to not get arrested for having a harmless hobby such as growing cannabis. I could care less about the retail side of things. It's a shame we can't have our plant, and the underground economy derived from it. The government always has to have their share don't they?

In regards to the original post and article, it only makes sense that the cartels would be in favor of stopping the US cannabis laws, as it will put them out of business. This should be a red flag to anyone with anti-cannabis views. If these dangerous drug dealers are supporting a foreign law, it has to be for their own benefit, or they wouldn't waste the time in supporting it.
without drug smuggling these countries would be some of the poorest in the world with no import export economy . they would cease to become relavent in todays era and would revert to having to slave for rich countries coming in to build factories. thus giving them no control over anything they live by or beleive in. its the narcotics i am more concerned with than pot . when it comes to cartels. but every farmer in those countries make it(coke) and sell it to the cartels . nobody wants to go to jail or have to pay the piper but that is what makes the world go round.
without drug smuggling these countries would be some of the poorest in the world with no import export economy . they would cease to become relavent in todays era and would revert to having to slave for rich countries coming in to build factories. thus giving them no control over anything they live by or beleive in. its the narcotics i am more concerned with than pot . when it comes to cartels. but every farmer in those countries make it(coke) and sell it to the cartels . nobody wants to go to jail or have to pay the piper but that is what makes the world go round.

I don't see how that has any relevance to keeping cannabis illegal. Hard drugs and cannabis are two completely different things.
You're reasons to keep Cannabis illegal are admittedly selfish and hypocritical. Don't take that hard...just an observation from what you said, although I don't really follow exactly what you're saying.

You're right, there are other issues that are very important. We don't talk about them much here because this is a site dedicated to spreading the truth about Cannabis.

Lot's of people (probably the majority - those closet smokers you don't know about) are very successful professionals. I don't think you can blame Cannabis for problems in your life. I know people who are millionaires from legal businesses, and I've never seen them NOT high.

The war on people via drug legislation hurts millions of people every year in the US alone. Over 800,000 arrests related to Cannabis, and then consider the affects those arrests have on employment, families, finances. Lives ruined, children taken from their parents. What's the benefit? Unless you're involved in law enforcement, litigation, drug testing, the prison or pharmaceutical industries, or someone else who can make a buck off of something that should be freely available...there are no benefits to mankind in keeping it illegal.
your right i am selfish just like everyone here when it comes to pot if its legal i dont make a living .we all have our resons. i dont blame pot for my problems nor do iblame the government like most of the underground community. i blame myself for not finding what is truely important before it was too late. human life and healthy living. with understanding that the world is run and always will be run by capitalists. for people who are sick n dying to be able to walk around with joints n their hands is a great thing but to have a society of people doing it is classless (in my opinion) just like i cant walk around in pupblic with a beer. yeah i have a military based family professional based famiies ,law enforcement you name it they are in my background but the ones who are exteremly successful didnt and dont use drugs.i have been arrested for the crimes that i commited have you ?.i knew they were wrong n i did them anyway. i cant speek for the family members who are dead though because they all died for our right to talk about whatever we want.
I don't see how that has any relevance to keeping cannabis illegal. Hard drugs and cannabis are two completely different things.

execpt that they call them drugs-

and i agree you shouldnt be areested for a plant but i shouldnt be arrested because i 'm not allowed to drive . i like your original post i identify with you but i just dont think its a reality that cannabis will be legal without more harm than good. you can contol your hobby yourself even though it is illegal right? now have the governments tell you ok its legal but you do it my way. no thanks i stivk with the way things are when it comes to cannabis.
how do you not make a living if cannabis is legalized? What makes you think that if it is ever legalized that people will be able to walk around holding joints? It seems like your points are derived from much of the anti cannabis propaganda that is out there.

Let me guess, it will be bad for the kids if it's legalized too right?

Let me ask you this. Do you feel that a natural plant should be controlled by a higher authority, or should nature be able to do it's thing without human interference? (I'm not talking about the economical side of things).
execpt that they call them drugs
a drug is anything that enters the body and alters normal bodily functions. So, technically speaking, food is a drug because of the effects the nutrition has on your body. I still don't see your point. I'm not trying to argue, I'm just trying to discuss our points and understand what you're trying to say.
I forgot to make a comment on this point you made
i blame myself for not finding what is truely important before it was too late. human life and healthy living.

This i totally agree with. The world would be a much better place if we all took responsibility for our own actions, rather than blaming somebody or a substance for those problems.
:cool: as you i smoke i either read the article wrong i dont know
well i am on the other side of the fence here fellas . by no means do i advocate murder by i'm right your wrong situation like you so vivdly put.

i would like pot to stay illegal for 2 reasons one i dont want my kids or family to smoke it regularly and two i would be out of a job. i work at a fast food joint n have had hundreds of jobs and the oppertunities are diminishing farther everyday. they took my liscence away they took my security liscence away n they (governments) will take whatever they can if you dont do what they want or follow the rules .however if i had not been wasted all the time for 20 years i would have thought about a better more stable and productive life instead of be ing a dirt merchant to live in a house n not starve. take that away n all ihave left are a few plants to smoke in the street, no thank you.
if your a recreational smoker whatever to all your political legalize propaganda . if you gave a shit about what really happens in the world you should be lobbying these agencies to stop human trafficing instead of gazeing into a smoke cloud your blowing .
you are not even to be touched by governments for your pocket trash. maybe probation for six months a bullshit 30 days in jail for an obscene amount you have been stupidly cought with. remember even in amsterdam you cant smoke in public what makes you think its going to happen here or there?

sick n dying patients to be able to do what they want i'll vote for that but not for me to become poor n homeless.
if it does become legal n taxed how will i be able to have a job working with cannabis ?
i doubt that oppertunity will arise in a role that i would be proud to have such as a pot shop or a breeder. that will be reserved for governments
choice or it will be like working at a 7 eleven. pot is a tiny problem compared to little girls being kidnapped n sold ,drugged , raped & tortured till the day they die. never saw a picket sign for that . everyone just cares about what is pertinant to them. pot smoke is not a problem as long as your not into advertising. you can smoke for free or you can buy it .

just for the record if you think you wont have to pay for it if its legal ? you are sadly mistaken because it will be twice as expensive .
i am an american and i firmly believe in your rights to do what it is that you want but within reason rapist ,murderers, crackheads, white collar criminals like the bushes are not welcome.!! and, well if you know right from wrong i can stand behind that.

sorry for the rant but it is a big subject that i take pretty serious and this is not an attack on previous posts just my opinion .and welcome any conversation on the matter. i like pot to stay where its at in an underground community.
how do you not make a living if cannabis is legalized? What makes you think that if it is ever legalized that people will be able to walk around holding joints? It seems like your points are derived from much of the anti cannabis propaganda that is out there.

Let me guess, it will be bad for the kids if it's legalized too right?

Let me ask you this. Do you feel that a natural plant should be controlled by a higher authority, or should nature be able to do it's thing without human interference? (I'm not talking about the economical side of things).

i know politics are so much bs.
first off i want to say that i agree that a plant is a plant n it takes whatever to whenever .
and for the rest its my dry humor . honestly though how would i make a living off cannabis if its legal?
sell it like a gas station clerk 50$ on pump 3 , a pack of 7$newports and a 50$ pack of jack h. when avg.people only make like 250 -350 weekly. do you see where i'm going with this. pot will cost its smokers everything to be able to say its legal.
i know it seems so shitty to be involved so heavily with cannabis and not smoke it . simply retail it but thats what i see on a daily basis is well whatever to people who dont care. but i have first hand experiance with this subject (dea)and i still dont want it legal. they have recently affected my life . more so than probably you guys on this post. i do however beleive that its just a plant and if the kids had to grow it before they smoke it i could appreciate this. and to experimentation is well encouraged . a thick rich lifestyle is what i want their goal to be . but as we all know that when we are young we dont give a shit about anything.

but i agree it is just a plant , if its produced in hemp form it can be a great cash crop . you also wuldnt be able to smoke it if you wanted to . but to the 1% plant that we all enjoy is what makes it illegal. i am wondering what will happen if it becomes legal
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