Modern day hippies?

I think that community would be awesome to live in. The meaning of life is to live it, what humans are doing is not living. Most people work most of the week and then on the weekends they are busy doing other nonsense that will ultimately lead to something worth little value to your self in the long run. To me this isn't a fulfilling life to live.
we'll I know when I grow up I wanna be a hippie....uh...a shrink and a hippie mix right? But yeah.. I'm not going to do much of whats in the thread!! I just want to pass around the love, the goodness, the happiness and mostly the marijuana. I always try to convert people to think positive, clearly and more so in the future. I dont try to convert anyone to think like me, I just try to show them that NO MATTER WHAT IS IT that happens, you make it a negative thing or not. Shit you couldn't frustrate me if you wanted too. I just wish other people could live with as much happiness as possible. There no need for war! No fighting, no killing. Hippies arise!

Does this still mean I'll be a hippie?

they tried to change the world drastically....
in fact being a 'dyed in the wool' hippie you were part of the 'counterculture revolution' that meant you fought the system & didn't believe in whatever 'the establishment' wanted to offer you in life.....
True hippies wanted, thought & fought for everything to be free....
thats what i said, personal peace & freedom

yer right, biker owners & bike riders are not nessesarily bikers.

Hippie Jihad!
Sticking to the link and this is my opinion only but I feel that if there were truely any "new age" hippies out there then GWB would know it. There would be more concern about what our government is doing in Iraq by marching on the White House, protests, etc. etc. Kinda like the Viet Nam thing and what happened in the late sixties early seventies.

Now for the real reason I'm here, I didn't have any luck on the right thread so I'm trying on this link. Maybe, just maybe some nice stoned old hippie is out there just waiting to help me.

My question, is there anyone that has a recipe to mix up that'll kill gnats. I'm growing indoor\outdoor plants and the gnats are crazy stoned on my plants. Can any of you help this old hippie out?

Good luck to all of you
the reason so many young people were in the streets back then was because of the draft. thats why they aren't drafting now. they know if any mothers son or daughter might find themselves in the crosshairs the streets would be full. having your own ass on the line is a major motivator. it really wasn't a hippy thing as it was a youth thing and hippies just happened to be there and young at the same time. it was people from every sort of background that opposed that fucking war. well maybe not the hardhats.
Gary, check out the grow forum. I honestly do not have personally a recipe to kill gnats, but most of the people who post in the grow forum would, I think, be educated about treating pests.
I know hippies used to always call themselves "freaks".... Like Hunter S. Thompson running on the "Freak Power" ticket or the phrase "freak out".....

I think there are young people out there that look down on the hippies while believing in many of the things the hippies stood for. Sadly, I don't think we'll see another movement like the 60's and 70's unless a bunch of things change.

One of those things is the draft, or rather the lack of it. Like User said, it was everyone's ass on the line. Even though IMO there's an even worse war being waged, so few people went to protest in the streets over it because they could sit at home, drink beer, and watch Fox News shittalk "homicide bombers" while someone else got killed.

For the other thing, I'll just paraphrase Jack Nicholson here and say that the 60's will never happen again as long as you have the Death Fuck. For a whole movement based on Free Love (and Free Sex), AIDS really is worse than the CIA or the DEA. When even (the physical expression of) love can kill, why protest war?
well of course there are. hippie is a type of lifestyle, and the way you look at the world. it's all about being free, living however you like, accepting and loving everything and everyone and simply just going with the flow. the majority of the world is soo caught up in everything that they haven't even taken the time to think about things that really matter. being a hippie is about navigating away from all that. So that you can see what this world is really all about. but most of us fail to do that, and we become slaves to the system. we become a part of an everyday set routein. why would you want to live a life like that? when you could be free
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