

New Member
I've posted about this before but I finally chose a name for this style of growing.
SOG means Sea Of Green , SCROG means Screen Of Green, JOG means Jungle Of Green. MOG means Mountain Of Green.
It involves excavating a circle 10' across & 4' deep, then re-filling with quality soil such as Ocean and Forest (which wil set you back about a hundred dollars or more.
The you plant a seed or start veggin a clone on 01/01.
The plant whould be about 4'--5' in May when you set it outside in thie prepared site.
Keep it watered and fed and you will finish with a plant that is 8'--10' tall and 8' wide.
I didn't believe this when I first head of it almost 2 years ago.
Then a month ago I saw it with my own eyes.
8 of them in fact.
Dude has 4 of them in his front yard. They're like the first thing you see when you drive up. But he's so remote that practically the only people that ever do are people he invites over and gives detailed directions. For security he's got the hugest dog I've ever seen. I don't know what breed it is but he says it weighs 165 lbs. and is as big as a small pony.
The plants are so freakishly huge that I didn't recognize them as pot the first time I drove up--and I've been growing pot for 40 years! There are so dense that if we stand on opposite side of the plant we can't see each other.
He gets about 7 lbs of bud off each plant.
Sadly the guy doesn't know how to manicure (just pulls the fan leaves off) or slow dry (dries them on screens in a room with lots of fans) and he doesn't even cure them!

The strains are one's he's "invented" himself.
But if you grew a strain that's in high demand (like Purple Urkel), that retails for $5K/lb., 7 lbs per plant x 8 plants = over a quarter of a million $$ worth of pot! And it's 100% legal for him to grow as many as 25 since we live in CA. and he has a Dr's recommendation (although you're only allowed 2 lbs. of dried pot),
Besides that dog he has no security system.
Shit, if it were me I'd have several giant attack-trained dogs, a 8' high chain link razor-topped electrified fence, lockable gate, motion detector lights and camera's.
None of his friends would ever dream of ripping him off, but there are several people he let know about it before he found out they shoot meth, and one thing I've learned is you can't trust meth heads. That shit makes you go nuts.

Growing MOG style is NOT something you'd want to grow gurella style (in a Nat'l Forest). They drink about 15 gallons of water/day each. And of course require LOTS of nute's.
But if you grow in an area where you're limited to a certain # of plants, on private prop., it's something you might consider.
You'd need an indoor growroom to veg them from 01/01 to 05/01, a tractor/backhoe to dig the holes, over $100 per site in soil, and during the entire season about $300 worth of nutrients, per plant.
And a crew of at least 3 people working 12-hour days for 2 weeks to manicure them.

Starting this week he's never gonna leave his prop. until all his plants are harvested, dried and vended--so like mid-Nov. He's well-stocked with canned/dried goods and a friend brings him meat, salad & milk.

Like I said, he's got the 1 dog, and if it barks he runs outside with a shotgun, but with that much worth of pot at stake there are people who would come in with several others and when he runs outside drop him and his dog with a deer rifle. No one would find out about it for days, by which time the thieves would be long gone.
Hell there's a lot of people who would kill you for a couple of thousand bux. For a quarter of a million $$, multiply the number of potential killers by a thousand or more.
I used to grow this way out back of an old barn. I used to dig my hole in the same place every year 6'X6'X6' deep. You need a lot of spare room to weigh the outer branches down so they got enough light, and you aint kidding about the amount of water and nutes they suck up, but for several years I grew more than enough for myself for the year w/pleanty to give away to close friends and family. Off only one plant! My biggest consern was always deer. A dog, a cheep 6' chain link fence, an ocean of marigolds around the plant, and peein' around the plant after every rain strom seemed to work well though.
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