Mouth swab drug test?

Tested this way for drug court in Florida. Rinse mouth well with peroxide then used mouthwash Worked great for drugs but I got busted for alcohol. I tried telling them that it was the mouthwash, of course they said I had just switched my drug of choice to alcohol and that I was in denial of my alcoholism. I don't drink and had to drop out of drug court or go to a 6 mo. Residential treatment. Back to court to fight cultivation charge.
The true and tested method is use tom's alcohol free mint mouth wash after brushing you mouth and teeth. Do this within 1hr before the test and when your in the waiting room munch on a couple altiod mints. Make sure you don't breath on the asst or they will make you wait for the mint to go away. THC stays in your saliva glands for 48 to 72 hrs is what I have been told by the company that does the testing. I was a welder in a pipe-fitters union and we had to take tests all of the time and i never failed one in 8 yrs because of having the right tools and info to study with. I had 9 tests in one year because of moving from one site to the next for the same fricken company because each job had a different general contractor. Oh by the way I smoke sun up to lights go out and am grateful that I can.


CAN ANYBODY ELSE CLAIM AN EXACT TIME ON THE DETECTION PERIOD FOR THC AND SALIVA. my company tested me and they put me in an Assistance Program with random testing. I have smoked almost every day since my first test (4/21) and I feel like they will test me either 28-30 days, today is 5/11, will i get tested again on 5/21? or 5/23? i weigh 228 and 5'11 with a decent amount of muscle, Im sketching out, i bought House of Jazz Permatox, and daily jump start edge, it was $60. when should i take the detox, and to include Ive been trying to work out with cardio so I can lose some fat with the excess thc content levels. PLEASE ANY
I am about to take a mouth swab test but have had no experience with it. I have taken two piss tests and passed them both... Got a bottle of Mega Clean by Detoxify... After being smokeless for 72 hours, drink the bottle, then fill back up with water and drink that... then piss two times on your own and finally, take your piss test on the third piss.... Works every time!!!! :peace:
Re: Mouth swab drug test ?

Ok check this I last smoked wed at 6pm right after I get a call from an employer sayin they wanna see me the next day for a drug test (just my luck rite) anyway I immediately go home brush my teeth and rinse with peroxide I also took 2 niacins I brushed again and did the peroxide rinse once more before bed Ithe next morning I brused again and peroxide rinsed smoked a cigarette and went on my way I rinsed with peroxide while on my way and again in the parking lot I took the test at about 12pm they gave me the blue dot mouth swab by quest I think I may have rub my gum too much while soakin the swab any who I'm now waitin on my results and its wreckin my brain has anyone ever done these procedures and passed I just wanna know for a lil reassurance once I do get the results I will post rather passed or failed just to shed some light hopin for the best
Re: Mouth swab drug test ?

Ok check this I last smoked wed at 6pm right after I get a call from an employer sayin they wanna see me the next day for a drug test (just my luck rite) anyway I immediately go home brush my teeth and rinse with peroxide I also took 2 niacins I brushed again and did the peroxide rinse once more before bed Ithe next morning I brused again and peroxide rinsed smoked a cigarette and went on my way I rinsed with peroxide while on my way and again in the parking lot I took the test at about 12pm they gave me the blue dot mouth swab by quest I think I may have rub my gum too much while soakin the swab any who I'm now waitin on my results and its wreckin my brain has anyone ever done these procedures and passed I just wanna know for a lil reassurance once I do get the results I will post rather passed or failed just to shed some light hopin for the best

I have an oral test tomorrow. I smoked last last night. I am a heavy smoker. Did you pass? Does everyone think its been enough time to be able to pass the oral one?
I got popped with a random swab test today at work at 11:30am, last I smoked was night before around 8:30pm.......will I pass the test? Im freaking out about this!!
I got popped with a random swab test today at work at 11:30am, last I smoked was night before around 8:30pm.......will I pass the test? Im freaking out about this!!
I have always had dependable results with cranberry and water, last time i passed i took two cranberry super supplements before leaving for work, was handed a screening request when i got to work, went on my lunch to get 2 liters of water and two small cranberry juices,gave my sample around one pm and passed. please note i am a regular smoker and had smoked the night before. urinalyses is easy, i am wondering about a saliva test though?
Just wondering.. I like to have hash cookies. I take a quarter and I'm usually high for up to about 5-6 hours. Does ingesting weed stay on your saliva longer or does smoking stay longer?
saliva tests isnt like urine
urine will show alot longer
ive smoked the night before and passed a swab
unless they improved it like someone was saying 12-14 hrs is good enough
if your in doubt get a bag of sunflower seed right before you have to go in and fill your mouth with the salty sunflower seeds
the amount of sodium will be at so high a level i doubt the thc will be high enough to test positive
only sure way to pass swab is stop for a day
only way to pass urine for sure is borrow someones clean piss or stop with enough time to pass
its alot easier to stop smoking herb than stop smoking cigs
I have a drug test coming up and I am pretty positive that it is going to be a saliva test. I am scared shitless of this test becuase I had a random saliva test done 6 months ago at work and failed. I had kept a bottle of Saliva Cleanse with me at all times for this exact reason and followed the directions 100% but got the call a week later that I had failed. Now, I have no faith in the mouthwash cleansers and need some help. Does anyone have any experiance with a mouthwash that actually worked? I have read about doing the listerene packs but would rather place my fate in something a little more solid than something ment to freshen my breath. Please help!!!!!
a friend of mine and I didn't do this myself so
he said he smoked that morning and was going for a pre employment gargled with hydrogen peroxide and mouthwash and
he passed


this was just within the past month
Im a truckie forever getting escorted in for checks etc even my boss springs them on me. My tip - brush every morning and night especially cheeks and tongue. You'll notice those thick sticky cells dripping off your tongue. Repeat for sure. Next I carry a water bottle as its hot in my climate full of shishandra berries and lemon. Looks good and healthy walking around with it plus the real clincher is the apple cider vinegar i keep in a jar to gargle at any time. Passed both swab and saliva in as many weeks and I romp hard lol :p citrus is the key
Hey guys -

so I smoked last night around 11/midnight and they gave me a random drug test today. After I smoked I took mouthwash and brushed my teeth. The following morning I went for my usual 10 mile run. Do you think I am okay? I drank lots of water after It was very hot too. They gave me the swab test at about 3:30 in the afternoon. The swab test is going to a lab too. Please help! :(
I get tested randomly twice a year by saliva and you are right, give it a day or two and all will be good. The saliva test are much like blood test. Personally I hate the piss test as they are very biased against MJ.
I smoked around 2am the night before i got called in for a random drug test for court, went in at 8am and tested clean, didnt even have time to brush my teeth or anything, still amazed that i passed, anyone have any reason why i passed? Think i could do it again or was it just luck?
saliva can pass with that amount of time
if it was urine you just got damn lucky
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