My 2 cents on legalization


New Member
I don't want it to be legal, just not Illegal. Treat it as if it was produce, a crop like tomatoes . I don't want to see it taxed. Some say the tax revenue would be great for the 'state'. Heck, the politicians would just muck it up, waste the money and keep us in the hole we are in, it won't bring down the prices, and the fat cats will get richer and richer...I can't imagine putting it into the hands of of a company/private enterprise that is regulated by the 'state' either...

Just leave us alone....
Yup, you got that right Digbat...

I live in the bible belt, there are still blue laws, and some counties/areas where you can't buy beer/booze. I'll never see legalization here, not even medical, in my life time....

Just wishfull thinking on my part....
Should be legal 100% taxed or not. You can grow tobacco in your house legally, why not pot. There is a tax on imports in any state on everything if it comes from other countries, or other states so let em tax it. Who cares if you can grow it yourself. Don't want to buy a tomato for 59c, grow em over and over for the price of the seed. But indoor crops will always cost more. That's another topic in itself.
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