NASCAR Stoned?


New Member
I don't date within my family nor does my house have wheels on it, but I find myself occasionally drawn to NASCAR while stoned. Races are kind of long and tedious otherwise, but viewing stoned, particularly the night races, is a pretty enjoyable experience.

Anyone else enjoy this, or am I on my own with this one?
Being stoned is the only way I can watch a NASCAR race! Seriously, I'd rather be outside, but I am trying to 'bond' with the new bro-in-law. So, occasionally, I'll hang with him on a Sunday afternoon and watch the race and take a smoke break every now and then.


Nope. No nascar for me. I find it boring and reapetitve.

Only thing im interested in, personally, are the wrecks.. lol. Then again, I'm interested when anything wrecks.
Actually, cherry, most people watch for the wrecks. Go figure... lol


I fell asleep watching nascar once, and I woke up racist.

then again.. same thing happened when I fell asleep listening to country..
nascar is ok when you're really ripped... but I would rather watch indy cars or LeMans
SX420 said:
How would watching a NASCAR race or listening to country music make you racist? :hmmmm:
Sort of a sweeping generalization about how all rednecks hate black people, and just because I got close enough to them as listening or watching something they produce, it made me just as racist.
Fallen -

I can understand the stereotype, and in the back woods/"deep south" that does remain true for older generations. It's slowly becoming less of a problem thanks to integration, education and mainstream media. Nowadays, most white kids are wannabes.

I can say that I've witnessed more overt racism from conservative northern transplants than I've ever seen from a true southern good ol' boy.


gerber77 said:
I don't date within my family nor does my house have wheels on it, but I find myself occasionally drawn to NASCAR while stoned. Races are kind of long and tedious otherwise, but viewing stoned, particularly the night races, is a pretty enjoyable experience.

Anyone else enjoy this, or am I on my own with this one?

It amazes me how offensive some people can be when they try to be clever. I used to live in a trailer and I don't date within my family. Just because you don't like a sport why do you disparage those that do? Maybe this is why 420 is thinking about closing this forum.
nascar is retarded, only americans can watch something go in circle for 500 times at 200 mph, im an american fyi. indy cars and LeMans are way more entertaining and racing is not a sport, its more of a game.
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