Need an answer quickly


Active Member
Hi all, so the wife has arranged a garden party and a sleepover in the garden for a couple of the kids. I'm growing in a greenhouse and the girls are in the 4th week of flowering so as you can imagine they are not the most discreet plants in the garden. My only option at the moment is putting them in the garage but there is no natural light for about 24hrs. What are your thoughts .. will they be ok thanks in advance
Lock the door on the greenhouse. Problems solved.

Are you in a legal state?

Next year grow some Nicotiana in there with your cannabis. It smells WAY more than even chemdawg and its a very pretty smell. Comes on a dark time (the smell) since its a night shade plant.
I turned my tent light off for 3 days when I was away because the light was so close to the canopy.....delays the process, not ideal but still fine in my book
I’m prolly gonna get pummeled for saying this, but I would think they will be fine to sit in 24 hours or dark for 1 day for safety and security reasons to keep the kiddos away. Always had a 3-lock system here that worked well until the kids moved out. I’ve had lights fail before and recovered just fine after 24 hours, I would just check them WELL afterwards for a few weeks for signs of distress, hermies, etc. you prolly have drasticly different growing conditions between the two areas so watch heat and humidity this time of year. Good luck!
Oye.... ok so no locking the doors?

I dont know the laws in UK - but if not legal I'd get them outta sight.

Could toss a tarp over the green house and run a small light or even a cutout in the top of the tarp.

My main worry wood be the parents of the children. The kids dont care.

Then word gets out and you're robbed or worse.

FYI - I grow outdoors and indoors - I don't invite people over unless in my inner circle.

I get an odd roll up from our neighbors but they've looked right at a cannabis tree and didn't notice it. They blend into the environment hard to see even standing 20 meters away you cant tell unless you know what to look for.
Lock the door on the greenhouse. Problems solved.

Are you in a legal state?

Next year grow some Nicotiana in there with your cannabis. It smells WAY more than even chemdawg and its a very pretty smell. Comes on a dark time (the smell) since its a night shade plant.
I hadn’t heard of Nicotiana…thanks much for the info!
We started growing it when I was running chemdawg and lived in the city.

You could smell my grow at lights out a block away and walking past our home - very apparent. Even with large filters running and grow room shut up with AC on.

The nicotiana worked and since night shade smells come on same time as lights out. Perfect.
I’m prolly gonna get pummeled for saying this, but I would think they will be fine to sit in 24 hours or dark for 1 day for safety and security reasons to keep the kiddos away. Always had a 3-lock system here that worked well until the kids moved out. I’ve had lights fail before and recovered just fine after 24 hours, I would just check them WELL afterwards for a few weeks for signs of distress, hermies, etc. you prolly have drasticly different growing conditions between the two areas so watch heat and humidity this time of year. Good luck!
Yeah it's really humid here this time of year I have dehumidifier that I can put in the garage, I'm not bothered about the smell ( I can just blame it on a neighbor but the kids are 12 and probably know what a plant looks like and don't really want them spreading the word around school .
Oye.... ok so no locking the doors?

I dont know the laws in UK - but if not legal I'd get them outta sight.

Could toss a tarp over the green house and run a small light or even a cutout in the top of the tarp.

My main worry wood be the parents of the children. The kids dont care.

Then word gets out and you're robbed or worse.

FYI - I grow outdoors and indoors - I don't invite people over unless in my inner circle.

I get an odd roll up from our neighbors but they've looked right at a cannabis tree and didn't notice it. They blend into the environment hard to see even standing 20 meters away you cant tell unless you know what to look for.
Neighbors are cool with it , I'm in the middle of nowhere . Parents will be fine , no chance of getting robbed( I have very big dogs) . Thanks for the advise everyone , this is the reason I love this forum
We started growing it when I was running chemdawg and lived in the city.

You could smell my grow at lights out a block away and walking past our home - very apparent. Even with large filters running and grow room shut up with AC on.

The nicotiana worked and since night shade smells come on same time as lights out. Perfect.
I SO could have used this information at a much earlier time in my life….I just kept repeating ‘what smell?’ when asked lol. My brother has problems growing outside with a-hole neighbors…I’m going to suggest the nicotiana as good ‘cover’ crop. Once again, amazed at the body of information in this forum. Maybe we should put our minds together and conquer world peace or something lol :Namaste: Many thanks @bobrown14!
Neighbors are cool with it , I'm in the middle of nowhere . Parents will be fine , no chance of getting robbed( I have very big dogs) . Thanks for the advise everyone , this is the reason I love this forum

I'm way more paranoid than you. Love the middle of no where. Where we are. I could run around naked all day and no one wood ever see or care. My next door neighbor even told me he gardens naked so dont walk up unless you wanna see him naked. Yuk... He's a old hippy prolly growing weed same as me. lol
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