Need help identifying deficiency problems.


New Member
I have a few problems with my new outdoor grow and need some help to identify what's wrong before it gets out of hand. My plants are 8 weeks old and about 3 weeks ago I noticed that a few of them had slightly bumpy, crumpled leaves and yellowing towards the centre of the leaves (along the vein) also. This is only present on a few of the plants although the rest of them have stems and growing tips that are a red/purple colour. The new growth is also very light (lime) green.

I have done a bit of research and the thing that seems most likely is mag deficiency but not positive. Would really appreciate some words of wisdom from anyone out there that is willing to lend their expertise.

Cheers. :grinjoint:
Re: Need help identifying deficiency problems...

Maybe I'm wrong and it's a Potassium deficiency and not Magnesium after all???
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