Need Input


New Member
Most of us are familiar with terms like sea of green (sog), screen of green (scrog) and jungle of green (jog) and low stress training (lst).

Well there's a new style of outdoor growing. It involves a lot of work and a lot of space. It involves digging a hole 10' across x 4' deep and re-filling with Fox Farms (or equiv).
You start the plant indoors on 01/01 in a large container, then transplant it outside in May when it's 4' tall.
You will end up with a plant that's 10' x 10' wide and can yield over 5 lbs. per plant.
The problem? That style of growing doesn't have a name.
It needs one.
Green giant (gg)?
You can do better than that no doubt.

Comments of this style:
-First of all, this has to be done in a remote area (since they stand out so much) or in a super secure enclosure. With a script.
-You'll need a tractor, digging holes by hand 10 ' x 4' ain't easy. In previousky untilled soil, it's impossible.
-Next, you'll need $100--$200 worth of high-quality potting soil to fill the hole.
-You'll need a good-sized indoor grow room with HID's.

However, in states which allow a certain # of plants for scripted med-MJ it is a boon.
Let's say you'll allowed a low number, let's say 10 plants.
Regularly grown you might end up with a half or full lb. per if you're really good and really lucky.
5--10 lbs. Ok that's not too shabby.

Ahh but with this new style, that's 50 lbs.:thedoubletake: :goof: :rofl: :allgood:
You could bale it up and use it for furnature.
Put a blanket on the bales, a couch.
Put a slab of glass on it, a coffee table.
Oh hell, how about one of those straw-bale type houses, but with bales of pot!
If your pot-bale house catches on fire, don't count on the fire dept. to put it out--they'll be laughing too hard. They'll hang out while it burns to the ground then head on off to Taco Bell, sirens wailing.

Anyway, what do we call these plants?
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