Need opinions on grow room equipment / misc supplies


Active Member
Hey my fellow ganja gardeners~!
Through my journey of building a custom grow room and dealing with all the same frustrations a lot of us go through, much of it from shortcomings certain pieces of grow equipment have, I had some truly inspirational moments in the midst of it all.

When I run into these kinds of issues my response it to start taking stuff apart to see if it can be "fixed" or to sit down and try and design something better.

Anyway, to try and shorten this post a bit - I ended up coming up with some pretty neat ideas which led to some research and some even cooler ideas. Now I'm working to try and bring these inventions to market and join the 420 sponsors rolls. :cheer:

As part of this whole thing, I need to see if other growers are having the same issues / concerns that drove me so I wanted to get some input from you folks, please.

Odor Control:
If there was a better solution than the giant, coal dust filled sausage cans that was affordable, completely "green" and removed more odor for a longer period of time would you be interested in it?

Hydroponics & nutrient issues:
If there was a solution for keeping hydro nutrients "in balance" automatically without adding any costs to your grow would you want to know more about it?

Would you add CO2 to your grows if you could do it without gas bottles, yeast solutions or alka seltzer tabs for a few bucks per grow and zero time / effort?

What is the main issue you run into with your grows?

Would you choose "green" products and solutions in your grows if the cost were lower or the same and the performance better?

I hope ya'll will take the time to speak up, I'm hoping the issues I'm concerned with and trying to work on are important to others, of course. We all want to be relevant, after all. :)
Hi ganjaballz,
From reading your post it seems that you are very knowledgeable on hydroponics. I'm looking for a system that's fully-automated and ready to use. I'm new to this industry and would like to know what companies or products are out there that you might of heard of and can recommend to me?
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