Need some advice please


New Member
( first time grower) My buddy gave me a og kush autoflower seed, it's been growing from tiny plant sprout to 2 foot tall plant and we are at 3 months. I'm just not seeing long Tiny hairs at bud sites. I feel like it's been growing a long time to not have buds ready! And suggestions?
Hi yea I have a 400 watt full spectrum LED, I don't keep a fan on her all the time but when I get up I'll put a fan on her throughout the day. I'm not sure the temp either (bad I know) but it don't seem to get REAL hot in there since it has decent ventelation. Also it is and inside grow! Thanks!
Diafem claims 70-80 day life cycle, you are at or above that number so no biggie. I have never grown indoors, but try to go to 12 hr days.
if you have been giving them anything w/ too much nitrogen they grow more & flower less(fucked up thought) so go to the
stuff ya'll use to promote healthy buds. don't sweat it, bud happens.
methinks it is a mute point, flowers are what they were wanting, they are getting them, soon they will begin cremation
ceremonies. it's all good come cremation time.
The OP, after three months, was wondering when their autoflower would start to flower. So I don't know if it's a moot point - they won't be cremating anything soon unless they start treating it like a photo plant.
OK, excuse me I grow outdoors only. have 10 varieties of auto and 5 of photo currently growing. see the cbd dutch treat thread for more info.

I do not give a fuck what the plant is it don't fucking matter, they want bud, they got it/get it. relax with the Cannabis MD bs.
The OP, after three months, was wondering when their autoflower would start to flower. So I don't know if it's a moot point - they won't be cremating anything soon unless they start treating it like a photo plant.
I wanted to correct that "mute point" comment so bad earlier, but people get super offended when you correct their speech so i stayed away from it .
I was only trying to help . an I certainly didn't mean to give offence. But if he wants to malfunction over it that's his problem not mine. .
Lol i totally get it, I'm honestly happy someone said it. You went about it the right way, instead of flaming him (which is honestly what i wanted to do) you just corrected it, most definitely the better way to go about it, cheers for your patience on this post and the way you kept your cool!
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