Need some help night cycle


Well-Known Member
So I have 4 autos and 5 photos
The photos I am currently 2 days into flower and have realised 12/12 lighting on autoflowers is useless so I plan on leaving the photos on for 12hrs and the autos in the cardboard for 20/4 but I'm worried that the night cycle may be interfered with pictures below


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With that setup there is no total darkness. High probability something will go wrong.

Unless I am wrong, (probably am) and I am sure there are others with more knowledge like @Nunyabiz who might tell you that it doesn't matter on the light cycle of the auto's because they are going to do what they do, no matter the light schedule.

With that thought you could run them all on the same light schedule. How long have they been on different schedules.
With that setup there is no total darkness. High probability something will go wrong.

Unless I am wrong, (probably am) and I am sure there are others with more knowledge like @Nunyabiz who might tell you that it doesn't matter on the light cycle of the auto's because they are going to do what they do, no matter the light schedule.

With that thought you could run them all on the same light schedule. How long have they been on different schedules.
They have all been on 12/12 toll today the autos have just sprouted
Enr0n is right! You will have problems 12 dark means just that - it must be pitch black. Even tiny light leaks matter so apply duct tape to your indicators lights on power strips and fans etc. The light leaks can cause plants to reveg or to hermie and you don’t want that.

You gotta move if you are only 2 days in the flip to flower you could jump back to 18/6 without a problem on those photos. But get another light and a tent or a secondary grow spot - figure it out and don’t monkey around on changing the light hours or light leaks on your flower plants.
Enr0n is right! You will have problems 12 dark means just that - it must be pitch black. Even tiny light leaks matter so apply duct tape to your indicators lights on power strips and fans etc. The light leaks can cause plants to reveg or to hermie and you don’t want that.

You gotta move if you are only 2 days in the flip to flower you could jump back to 18/6 without a problem on those photos. But get another light and a tent or a secondary grow spot - figure it out and don’t monkey around on changing the light hours or light leaks on your flower plants.
Moved them completely flowering early due to grow space should hopefully get a nice yeild off the photos?


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