Needs help from other growers.


New Member
I'm a first time grower, and I'm about 4 weeks into it.
Just recently, today actually, I noticed that my plant was starting to turn a little brown at the tips. What is this caused from? I've read some stuff online and it said the lights mightbe too close.
Others say that it could be the fertilizer, and to leach it asap.
The brown shade is only on a couple of leaves on the top. And it looks like it's kind of shrivling up too. There are also a few other random spots of brown on one leaf as well.
How can I fix this problem and is my plant going to survive?

Should I go ahead and trim the brown parts off of the leaf? I certainly don't want to cut off the whole leave considering only a part of it is brown--the tip.

Thanks for your help and any suggestions are welcome. :peace:

You will get lots of good advice from the experts.

High and welcome to the 420 community!

Peace and happiness :rollit:
Yeah, I'll be sure to get some pics up soon. I'm hoping that it's not the start of nutburn.
I highered the lights and I'm misting her (hopefully) every so often.
So, We'll see how she does in a couple days. I'll post pictures either tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks guys!






Alrighty, here are the pictures!
If you look can see where they are turning brown a little bit.
But only certain parts.
And one leaf is even curling up a little bit.

What do you think? Do they look okay? :(
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