

New Member
Neighbors is a term created by my friends and I. When with your friends in a circle and one of the people sitting next to you sparks up a joint, blunt, bowl, etc. then you can call neighbors. Neighbors means that the weed comes your way. It's like a game too. Because when you get high you tend to not pay attention and it comes a race to see which person will call Neighbors first. Use this term and pass this term. :Rasta:
i will just stick to passing to the left but i usally am the one lighting it but if some one else does it i dont care i can wait. im not all like let me hit it i like to chill sit down and burn not puff puff give but puff wait puff give and i think everyone is coo with it they also do it some thimes just like to chill thats it
Interesting, where I live we only say neighbors when a bowl is pack to get second hits
we say....GREENS 2nds 3rds 4ths 5ths and so on but it usually ends up....who ever calls greens then who ever calls seconds and then it goes and follows the circle after that ( :=
Everyone around here calls it neighboring. "Well lets go for a drive guys..."

"NEIGHBOR!" and it gets passed to them first (after I light it up and take a hit).
yeah around here we just call seconds. if someone sparked a bowl and i yelled neighbor noone would know what im talking about.
we use the system of whoever packed/rolled it hits, then significant other, then the owner of the weed if owner is different from packer/roller, then pass around
we say greens! then deuce, tray, 4th, 5th, and so on. and if you fuck up the rotation you get skipped the next time its your turn.
We say sparks, then deuce, then trees, and so on. Usally whoevers bud it is gets sparks. If we all pitch in some money, then its fair game of whoever calls sparks first.
When someone fucks up the rotation, we'll joke around about a penalty round, kind of like a "Do not pass go, do not collect $200, lose your turn" kind of thing. That usually fixes the problem. But maybe it's the just the people I smoke with, the rotation and order is just always assumed, no one ever really bitches about it or calls greens. But back in the day, we'd give each other black eyes for a cashed hit.
Mad Cow Steakho said:
When someone fucks up the rotation, we'll joke around about a penalty round, kind of like a "Do not pass go, do not collect $200, lose your turn" kind of thing. That usually fixes the problem. But maybe it's the just the people I smoke with, the rotation and order is just always assumed, no one ever really bitches about it or calls greens. But back in the day, we'd give each other black eyes for a cashed hit.

We call party fouls and shit. Whenever someone commits a party foul, depending on how severe it is, they get a punishment. For example, fuckin up the rotation usally results in a skip in the rotation. If you cough while takin a bonghit and the weed flys out, everyone else gets to hit you and you lose a turn. Spill the bongwater, you have to drink it and that kinda shit.
yeah i hate that too. my neightbors are snitches
we dont play games i usally roll then ask people if they want to light it sometimes they say go ahead some times they take it i dont care i still get to burn my med.
yeah really like me and me one friend are smoking together so were cool about it we ask eachother if we want greens or we just take it and we dont really care normaly its the persons weed who takes greens, thats how it is here unless its a noob then if they spill water or ne thing like that hten we make them drink it
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