New grow

I buy all my strains from Attitude seed bank. So far they have been spot on. Also try a strain called Three Kings. These are Strains that were free ones when I ordered my seeds and just decided to do a free seed grow just to see if I could fine some sleepers that were not as popular. I have a extra bedroom in the basement I use and placed Mylar on all the walls to get the best light reflection I could. I might go as far as placing mylar on the floor to reflect all possible lighting form the HPS lights. I have never heard of or seen anyone try this but if you think on it a while it really does make since to relect the light to the under side of the plant as which to me would really help the plant.
In truth I have only used the fox farm soil and actually stopped adding nutients to my plants. But in exchange for the lack of adding nutients I transplant my plants to big pots two weeks before I switched to flowering and the plants go crazy after a week. But I do have to use a lot of water. I try to keep it as natural as possible. I feel and this is my opinion only that it lets the plants taste come out natural without having to flush them. I know this goes against some growers thoughts but it has really worked for me. I have great yeilds with the added bonus of natural taste. The lights on the sides and mylar helps make up some of the difference I think. It is some added work but the pay off has been great so far. The plants just draw their nutrients from the added soil. Again this is what has worked for me only, But I do have some friends that have grown for many years that have tried this with good out comes.
In truth I have only been doing this for three years and you were one of the growers that really helped me out. I started off with flouresence lights then CFL and finally broke down and got some good lights and then took notes on every little detail that I did and what the 420 people told me to try and then just experimented in the light positions overhead and on the sides and with placing the mylar all over to get the best lighting on the plants without wasteing any of the light reflection. I am going to try the mylar on the floor. This could be a way to save money without having to put lights on the sides Just use Your HPS to reflect all the light to the under side of the plants.
Well This is the very last bud to hang and dry for this grow and I saved the best for last. And yes the room is pink


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All I do is trim them back about two times. once just as they develope at a young stage about right at the second or third set of leaves and then again when they are about 12 inches tall. But I do not feed them any added nutrients. I start off in small pots and transplant them when needed to bigger pots. And about two weeks before I change the time to start flowering I do my last transplant into what I would guess is 3 gallon pots. This gives them the added nutients from the soil and they really take off after that. It is added work but well worth it. I keep my grows small, no more than 10-12 plants but get a really good yield. It is just to much work for me to do any more than that and the fox farm soil is not cheap but that is what I use. The PH is already where it is neeed to be with that soil which for me makes life a little easier. You can either spend your days having to add nutients all the time or just transplant the plants when needed. Either way will work it is just what the grower chooses to do. other than that set back and watch them grow. Also I really do watch the cycle of the trichomes when I see that they are cloudy and just turning amber that is when I start to trim and hang them. Some people do it when they are clear but what I have grown they seem to be harsh when I Tried them. That is how they are for me but other people might make it work for them.
All I do is trim them back about two times. once just as they develope at a young stage about right at the second or third set of leaves and then again when they are about 12 inches tall. But I do not feed them any added nutrients. I start off in small pots and transplant them when needed to bigger pots. And about two weeks before I change the time to start flowering I do my last transplant into what I would guess is 3 gallon pots. This gives them the added nutients from the soil and they really take off after that. It is added work but well worth it. I keep my grows small, no more than 10-12 plants but get a really good yield. It is just to much work for me to do any more than that and the fox farm soil is not cheap but that is what I use. The PH is already where it is neeed to be with that soil which for me makes life a little easier. You can either spend your days having to add nutients all the time or just transplant the plants when needed. Either way will work it is just what the grower chooses to do. other than that set back and watch them grow. Also I really do watch the cycle of the trichomes when I see that they are cloudy and just turning amber that is when I start to trim and hang them. Some people do it when they are clear but what I have grown they seem to be harsh when I Tried them. That is how they are for me but other people might make it work for them.
Thank you so much for all your Help. I'm going to Finish this Crop and Start with Soil again.Seems to be a Lot Easier and Better.Adding Nutrients,Checking PH and PPM all the time.Pain in Butt! Thx again! Talk Soon!✌
Looks good I actually kinda grow the same way with FF...From what I've noticed over the years, adding nuts just helps the growing time, basically adding nuts is adding steroids to us, grow huge ! Fast!
Now there is someone else that i think has almost the same name as you jackalope and he has helped me out quite a bit over about two to three years.
I agree Konghigh if it takes a little longer but get a really quality smoke then I am happy, and so far this is what I have found that works best for me. I know people that do the nutrients and they do good as well. I have found out that everyone does their own thing and you just have to figure out what works best for you. What is good about 420 is that you only have to ask and there are plenty of people here that will help you out. I was a lost puppy when I first started and the 420 members really helped. My very first grow under flouresence look like to twigs with a couple of leaves and something like a bud on top lol.
I agree Konghigh if it takes a little longer but get a really quality smoke then I am happy, and so far this is what I have found that works best for me. I know people that do the nutrients and they do good as well. I have found out that everyone does their own thing and you just have to figure out what works best for you. What is good about 420 is that you only have to ask and there are plenty of people here that will help you out. I was a lost puppy when I first started and the 420 members really helped. My very first grow under flouresence look like to twigs with a couple of leaves and something like a bud on top lol.
Perfectly said...Over time you learn what works and what doesn't, adding nuts I feel is for advanced growers for the indoor grow can grow good bud just with FF and water, adding nuts is SO simple to fuck up, just like that! and your 2 month healthy looking plant is dead in the morning, hahaha..and Air! Plants love the fresh air, then the #1 rule that's the hardest to not do, DON'T OVER WATER, all hell breaks loose when over watered
I have already planted my germinated seeds just today and will have pictures after we see some green. I have big bud, Big bud xxx which is norhern light and big bud, Critical cheese and purple Afhan kush. You know this is totally off the subject but as a grower has anyone but me found that after a rough day at work when you go down and look at your grow it really calms you down. Laugh at me if you want to but I actually have a lazy boy in the room just so I can go downstairs and look at the grow to unwind? I enjoy this almost as much as lighting a bowl up but you dont eat a bag of Doritos afterwards lol
I dont know enough about adding the nutrients and even if I did I more than likely will stick with what I know because I am comfortable with it. I dont trust myself not to mess up my grow and I want to keep it simple. The more experienced growers do add the nutrients and I imagine they have some knock out stuff but I want to keep it as natural as possible to let the natural flavor of the product come out. If you have good genetics you should be able to grow some top notch product.
Well it has been great talking to you guys but I am calling it a day, and remember smoking some good weed is just like a sore pecker, you just cant beet it. lol
I have already planted my germinated seeds just today and will have pictures after we see some green. I have big bud, Big bud xxx which is norhern light and big bud, Critical cheese and purple Afhan kush. You know this is totally off the subject but as a grower has anyone but me found that after a rough day at work when you go down and look at your grow it really calms you down. Laugh at me if you want to but I actually have a lazy boy in the room just so I can go downstairs and look at the grow to unwind? I enjoy this almost as much as lighting a bowl up but you dont eat a bag of Doritos afterwards lol
Lol. Everytime my wife's being a bitch i go into my grow room..hahahah
I will have to try and remember that jackalope and jackalope strain are two different people lol.

LMAO. I asked him about the name but I was ignored LOL. Still curious about that name. It is not like there is any big deal. While I never made a strain by that name I have strains out there being grown. I was curious if he ended up with one somehow.
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