New grower needs help! Spots on plants


420 Member
What are these spots? And plants look a little droopy. I used tap water last feeding, 2 days ago, and watering, yesterday. I usually use distilled but couldn't so used tap, but ph'd to 6.0-6.2. Any help I would appreciate guys n gals!!! Thanks you✊


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Sounds like too much water. Dude, I grow veggies indoors as well. And I literally wait for my leaves to start drooping before noticing the soil is bone dry lol
I could care less if my kale does, so pay little attention to it. This had given me valuable insight. Plants can and will survive if the soil goes dry. In fact, I think the roots enjoy an occasional drought. This prunes the roots naturally.
Most growers micromanage their plants. Keep it simple. If your tap water ph is good, just use that.
Apply fertilizer sparingly. Unless you have a professional setup, nutes alone will not make a huge difference.

I wouldn't use distilled water. It lacks minerals. Plants are immune to flouride, and coincidentally need some chlorine (so I've been told).

The spots you are seeing are probably caused by lack-of minerals. Probably because you use distilled water. It definitely looks like a deficiency of some sort.
The dry tips on the other hand look like nute burn.
It can't be both, so I recommend taking it easy and keeping it simple.
Don't water too often. Let that girl dry out. You'd be surprised.
Don't ph your water if you don't have to. Ph up and ph down are chemicals and should be avoided imho
Use nutes ever so sparingly. And use half the recommended dosage. If the tips of your leaves are getting burned and dry, it's an over-nutrient problem (don't try to correct it by flushing. Youll end up drowning your roots. Just let the soil dry out and feed water on the next fill up. Weed is tough. It will survive. Just leave it alone.
"correcting" problems which are in fact minor issues, is what creates problems lol

Your plant will be fine. Treat it like a lettuce. Just add water from time to time and a sprinkle of nutes here and there lol

Pictures under normal lighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, you left us with 20% of the information needed for any accuracy with a diagnosis. Look down in my signature, click the link on "how to ask for grow support", read it, come back and add everything you didn't.
Also, distilled water is just fine, we add minerals via food. If distilled water is no good then with that same reason Reverse Osmosis water would be no good because it lacks all minerals as well...BS, distilled and RO give you full control of the minerals your plant gets. Some tap water is great but some is no good at all depending on mineral ratios it can end up locking your plant up if your one of the unlucky ones that have bad tap water.
I'm not sure what "food" you're providing to your plant, but in nature, there around 50 micro nutrients. Artificial fertilizers usually provide 3 (NPK).
Although there are nutes that probably contain more, it still lacks the full spectrum that mother nature provides.

I'm by far no expert, but do know that tap water contains trace elements of this and that.
I grow using dwc. Using tap water. And it works great. Therefore, if I were troubleshooting an issue, I would reason that "experimenting" with "pure" water might be the problem.

Don't sound so pissed off. I'm just trying to throw some ideas at you.

You're trying to be scientist with this shit. You should try starting by growing some veggies. See what how they grow and what they can tolerate. Then grow some weed. You'll find weed isn't that picky. And the more you try to play God, the more you'll screw it up. Just let it grow.

My two cents.
I'm not sure what "food" you're providing to your plant, but in nature, there around 50 micro nutrients. Artificial fertilizers usually provide 3 (NPK).
Actually MOST nutes anyone uses here contains most all macro and micro nutrients needed. I know mine does.
You will find micros such as;
Boron, chlorine, manganese, iron ,zinc, copper, molybdenum, nickel, selenium and sodium in almost all nutrient lines. Now I think that covers the micros cannabis needs but they dont stop there. You will also find Macros like N, P, K Primaries along with calcium, sulfur, magnesium, and Silicon.
So, I think that does cover about the "full spectrum" of cannabis needs.

Don't sound so pissed off. I'm just trying to throw some ideas at you.
You can't piss me off, my plants speak for themselves. I'm simply calling you out for trying to tell every person asking for help they should grow DWC. A simple question about watering a plant from a newbie and your telling them they should drop growing and Coco and go dwc because any other way grows too slow and The Roots have to fight to grow and use tap water instead of distilled water because distilled is no good lol. We get it, you grow in DWC with cheap lighting, almost no nutes and tap water. Good for you. You know what they say though.....if you go cheap, you grow cheap... unfortunately you're not experienced enough to realize that an experienced grower can grow plants very rapidly in soiless mediums if grown correctly. You are talking about getting away from soilless or soil to keep bugs away and issues? Now who is trying to play God? Bugs only attack plants that are weak and vulnerable. If your plants are healthy bugs or mites will not attack them Point Blank Period. Every person you have tried to help you have tried to get them to ditch what they are doing and go dwc. Apparently you don't care what your weed tastes like compared to plants grown in soil and especially organic.
I'm by far no expert,
You're trying to be scientist with this shit. You should try starting by growing some veggies. See what how they grow and what they can tolerate. Then grow some weed. You'll find weed isn't that picky. And the more you try to play God, the more you'll screw it up. Just let it grow.
I am trying to play God? By growing in living organic soil where I count on microbes to grow my plants the way it has been done for millions of years in Mother Nature? Actually, it seems like you are trying to play God by growing a plant in water! Take your BS somewhere else.
Actually MOST nutes anyone uses here contains most all macro and micro nutrients needed. I know mine does.
You will find micros such as;
Boron, chlorine, manganese, iron ,zinc, copper, molybdenum, nickel, selenium and sodium in almost all nutrient lines. Now I think that covers the micros cannabis needs but they dont stop there. You will also find Macros like N, P, K Primaries along with calcium, sulfur, magnesium, and Silicon.
So, I think that does cover about the "full spectrum" of cannabis needs.

You can't piss me off, my plants speak for themselves. I'm simply calling you out for trying to tell every person asking for help they should grow DWC. A simple question about watering a plant from a newbie and your telling them they should drop growing and Coco and go dwc because any other way grows too slow and The Roots have to fight to grow and use tap water instead of distilled water because distilled is no good lol. We get it, you grow in DWC with cheap lighting, almost no nutes and tap water. Good for you. You know what they say though.....if you go cheap, you grow cheap... unfortunately you're not experienced enough to realize that an experienced grower can grow plants very rapidly in soiless mediums if grown correctly. You are talking about getting away from soilless or soil to keep bugs away and issues? Now who is trying to play God? Bugs only attack plants that are weak and vulnerable. If your plants are healthy bugs or mites will not attack them Point Blank Period. Every person you have tried to help you have tried to get them to ditch what they are doing and go dwc. Apparently you don't care what your weed tastes like compared to plants grown in soil and especially organic.


I am trying to play Scientist? By growing in living organic soil where I count on microbes to grow my plants the way it has been done for millions of years and Mother Nature? Actually, it seems like you are trying to play Scientist by growing a plant in water! Take your BS somewhere else.
Maybe I've been misunderstood, but the message I'm trying to convey to people is not to over-do it by being a "scientist". I wasn't pointing at you. I was speaking in general terms. That people tend to over-do it and micromanage.
DWC is a good way to illustrate the plants minimum requirement since water is a clean medium. I mention it because it ties in nicely to illustrate the point.

I already went through the growing pains of what everyone here goes through. Just suggesting options.

You weed snobs have a really bad attitude. Whatever happened to just sharing info and comparing notes? Is this a competition? Is that not what forums are for? Providing opinions and suggestions?

Am I doing something wrong by sharing MY experiences? At the end of the day, my technique and my weed get me high. So it's not bad advice. It's lazy advice, and I'm excited to share it with people. Save them some fuckn time.
DWC is a good way to illustrate the plants minimum requirement since water is a clean medium. I mention it because it ties in nicely to illustrate the point.
So is coco, or Promix or most any other soiless medium. It gives the grower full control of what the plant gets.

You weed snobs have a really bad attitude. Whatever happened to just sharing info and comparing notes? Is this a competition? Is that not what forums are for? Providing opinions and suggestions?
So, your for growing in DWC because it's a clean slate and you can learn what a plant really needs to grow correct?
So then how can you say growing in distilled water is no good? because it sure dont get cleaner than distilled or RO water does it? No, I get it, it's good for clean water growing in DWC because you do it....Its also no good using that same "clean" idea with water because you grow with tap water...
Do you see the discrepancy here?

Yes, this place is for sharing info and help new growers but damn, talk about a blow to a new grower when the first simple question they ask gets answered in some unrelated way telling them the whole base they are using is just shit! Do you understand what that can do to a new grower by doing that? "Coco no good, distilled water no good, nutes no good"....You must grow DWC and ditch everything you purchased....

At the end of the day, my technique and my weed get me high
That's great, but most of us try not to just grow weed but some of the best in the world. We dont do that by slacking and growing lazy.
Wow, you're totally in a different head space. So aggressive lol
Who cares man. Seriously. Newbies probably haven't heard of DWC. Most all what we see on youtube are soil grows. So if I suggest it, someone might go research it. Now they have another option to consider.
Dude, you need to chill.
Ok I'll get some pics in a few, they're sleeping right now. Ok so wtf is DWC? Lol n I've seen this RO water everywhere, I know it has something to do with tap water, no? That's what I thought it meant.
Ok I'll get some pics in a few, they're sleeping right now. Ok so wtf is DWC? Lol n I've seen this RO water everywhere, I know it has something to do with tap water, no? That's what I thought it meant.
DWC Deep Water Culture A form of hydroponics. Without some more info is is hard to tell what the problem is. Some pics. look like nute burn and most look like a cal/mag deficiency. My guess at the moment would be the latter. Is your tap water well or city?
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the input. Alright, I'm going to give the run down quickly, yet as informative as possible. I got 5 plants in my tent, 4 are showing these 'rust' spots. The 2 that aren't showing are what I believe is a 'runt'. I feed the runt about half what I feed the rest. I live in Jersey, right by the Hudson River, across from Manhattan. I feed them about half of what the chart says to feed them. Only difference I've made in the past few days are feeding them tap water and I recently installed an exhaust and fan combo, except I left the fan on high the night before I noticed the rust. I put it on low that following morning, which was yesterday n that's when I noticed the rust. Today, it seems to be spreading but may be I didn't notice them before or my paranoia is fucking with me lol I feed them GH Flora Trio and CalMagic. I flushed them about 2 weeks ago because of the burnt tips and started feeding them little by little, slowly raising the feeding uptake. I always feed them between a quarter to half of what the chart states, but I give Cal Magic on every feeding. About a teaspoon.
Now I did notice that one of the plants, the youngest if I exclude the runt, is kinda curling a bit. Maybe the 'claw' effect I've read about? Not sure. I use a 600w led grow light. Please see pics. Thanks guys!


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Oh and disregard any leaves that look like they have been chewed on, I topped and fimmed some areas and I might've done a few wrong lol my bad also, I'm attaching the pics of the 'claw' looking one here. Thx guys!


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The spots and the tips seem to be the exact same color, that yellowish orange..


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