New growth or showing sex?


Active Member
I recently ( Without much knowledge ) put my plants under 12/12 light and I think it forced them to start showing their sex. I’m not exactly sure but here’s some pictures.. ( note, I am a new grower so be kind )

Will forcing them to show the sex ruin my chances of a good yield ?
What exactly are the consequences of doing so ?
Or is it a good thing ?

• recently tossed a plant because some little white balls grew on the top and on the nodes. Figured it was a male.


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I have trouble seeing things, and I'd want to actually have the plant in my hands before I had any firm opinion. In the second image, I see what could, possibly, maybe, be ball-like things - but in both images, the plant looks like it's sexually immature, ergo, unable to show its sex. My GUESS is that you are seeing branch development.

Can you take another picture - or two - that shows the bases of the upper leaf stems in the image on the right?

I'd expect to see "staggered" nodal development if that plant was sexually mature.

I am definitely no expert, though. Just an enthusiastic amateur, lol.
Man you must have some good pixel on your screen... Blur here where need to see... Male, itll be shorter and round, females, longer thinner point shape and pistil protruding from centre.. there's lots more but no need to confuse you, basics will get you to identify...
You can put plant back into veg if you desire but you need to do it now.. good chance it will intersex if starts to flower then you put it back...
Man you must have some good pixel on your screen.

ME? You did notice the "what could, possibly, maybe," part of my post, right? And the part about it being too young to evince sex?

I was in the store the other day helping my mother - who is trying to figure out how to come up with the "copay"(???) so she can have the cataract removed from at least the eye that doesn't have (according to her) "floaties and flashing lights" in it! - and she had to tell me... that I'd just said, "Excuse me" to one of those stand-up cardboard pictures of a person :rolleyes: . Eagle-eyed Clyde, I aint.

To be honest with you, I probably shouldn't even be responding to these sorts of posts, where someone posts a picture and asks what they're looking at, lol. I've literally got 20:120 (uncorrected) vision in my good eye.

I had to drive us back to my house in my buddy's car from out of town a few weeks ago. I've always been pretty much fearless behind the wheel (of anything I've ever been in) - but no longer. Had no eyeglasses (they're six or eight years old anyway, and look like they've been cleaned with 80-grit sandpaper), driving into the sun, trying to peer through the smoke film on the inside of the windshield and the bugs, bird droppings, and other dirt on its outside... with my buddy continually saying, "I drive this way all the time and there are never any cops around, speed up, speed up" - my hands hurt worse than usual for two days due to the grip I had on the steering wheel. My brother called this past evening and said something about wanting me to ride with him to work so I could take his car to wash and wax it, and I said...

"Gee, I'm pretty sure that I'm all out of wax." ;)

There are many threads here with drawings and pictures of male & female cannabis flowers, from their early development to the hated "opened and empty male flower." If it wasn't the middle of the night here and about ten seconds before shutdown, I'd hunt a couple of the picture ones up and post the links here for the OP. But I'm so pooched that I just lit the wrong end of my last cigarette - and it took me a couple of drags to figure out what was wrong. Good night, all.
:rofl::rofl: your vision comment and you posting...
Your a good one tortured, even when you shit me or is it when i shit you? either way, hopefully we meet up one day (means I've travelled to America) and smoke a big fatty or three...
Well I feel bad for you tortured you might just one day end up taking a man home after a late night, with that kind of vision.

Anyways I put them back under 18 hrs light right away. So all good there.
Will get back with those pics
Here's a drawn pic of what your looking for.. I have photos for this but can't get to them

Well that took half hour, found the pics, posted them and different ones posted... I tried :rofl::passitleft:
Whew, I used to hate the long nights; now it's the short ones that take their toll.

Well I feel bad for you tortured you might just one day end up taking a man home after a late night, with that kind of vision.

Lol, no. I might be half-blind, but I don't think I'd be that blind if I sneezed and both eyeballs popped out.

Good idea, going back to an 18/6 light schedule.
hopefully we meet up one day (means I've travelled to America) and smoke a big fatty or three...

Be happy to put you up for a few days. Bring groceries, lol.
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