New mom keeper, 80's old school blast from the past


New Member
My wife loves to visit flea markets so today while we were out having lunch she wanted to stop by one. We stopped by a booth and I spotted a black box and asked how much, the lady said she has no clue what it is but thought it was some type of display case because it had lights in it and a reflective interior. She said she didnt know if the lights worked or not, said she would take $50 but got it for $40. It is a practically new Phototron 6 with six 40w biax bulbs, 18,900 lumens, and all bulbs work.

Many will remember these from the back of Playboy, Penthouse, and a few other mags, couldn't pick one up without seeing a full page ad for them. They are still in business and still expensive for what you get, it is mostly for looks, only open air venting, and all plastic. The removable side panels are just plexiglass with a mirror tent on them. Venting is just small open areas in the top, temp gets to 98 degrees in a room with 78 ambient. I took an old 4" duct booster and quick taped it to the top to pull the warm air out and the temps are steady at 86. I have to stop by the hydro shop tomorrow and plan on picking up a 105cfm fan to replace the 4" crappy booster fan, this should cool it even further. It is one big light leak, I guess it was made to be used in a completely dark room or closet because it is see-thru. It will be perfect for a mom, autoflower, or for pre-vegging.

You can see the extra plug hanging from the top which was for their add-on "earth light" which is just a CFL. I'm thinking of just hanging my spare 90w ufo in it :)

240w (6x 40w bulbs), 21" x 39", weighs 23 pounds






very nice, one mod you can do to it if its going to be in an open room, buy limo tint for car windows and put it over the outside glass... if its just going to be for a mom and clones it will keep enough light out.
Thanks trunk, I am going the simple route and just going to use one of my triband led UFO's, temp only runs 82 degrees with the UFO, so it should be good for a mom.

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