newbie first grow help with nutes


New Member
Hey Guys

I am pretty sure this have been asked a million and trillion x's50 billion. But i cant seem to find the answer. Well I kinda did but didnt? So here is my grow setup is ebb and flow

Room: 3x3x6 grow tent
Lights: 8 T5 HO (please take it easy on me here)
Medium: rockwool
Plants: white widow and norther lights
ventilation: 1 4' inline and another 6in oscilating fan

I have everything down but the nutes, everywhere i go every research ive done on them its been mixed feelings. Ive been leaning towards AN hobbyiest bundle but then i hear you get ripped off and that its all hype. Then i switch up to see what about cyco nutes and thats the same.

What if i used GH 3 part? do i need any other additives? It seams to be a good product. I seen this guy on you tube that shows his grow which is massive and he said he only used GH 3 part.

what about with AN and Cyco do i need to HAVE ALLLL those additives within bundle or can i get away with just a couple of other additives/nutrients arghhh i am so confused.

I guess what it does bowl down to is $$$ i dont have a lot of it and i would like to produce some kind of yield with some good quality. anywho sorry for the long post maybe you guys can help out. Thanks
First, Welcome to :420:

Nutrients are very confusing - no doubt.

If you want the cheapest way to grow - then just use the three part Jungle Juice line from Advanced Nutrients. When you start putting in additives - you are in for some real $$$.

Also, don't use the standard formulas listed on their web site - for a company dedicated to MJ they sure got it wrong. Here is a really good, basic formula that you can use without any additives.

Seedling Stage
G 1 ml/L
M .5 ml/L
B .25 ml/L

Early Vegetative Stage
G 1.5 ml/L
M 1 ml/L
B .5 ml/L

Vegetative Stage
G 3 ml/L
M 2 ml/L
B 1 ml/L

Transition to Flower (one to two weeks - depending on flowering length)
G 2 ml/L
M 2 ml/L
B 3 ml/L

G 1 ml/L
M 2 ml/L
B 4 ml/L

Flush (last week of flowering)
G 0 ml/L
M 0 ml/L
B 0 ml/L

If you were going to go for a single additive - I would suggest Silicon since you are using rockwool. Silicon will help a new grower because it makes the plant more resistant to disease and provides additional heat tolerance. My second additive would be a flushing agent such as Clearex.

You don't need all the additives to have a great grow. After you get a grow under your belt using this nutrient management plan, you will have a basis for comparison. At that point, you can add things one at a time and be in a position to judge whether or not it worked.

Remember, the goal on your first grow is a successful grow (AKA smoke-able weed). You can optimize quality and quantity in future grows as you gain experience.

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