Newbies Half-Assed Attempt


New Member

Planted them April 6th

Following shots are of day 4






advice more than welcome!
Once her roots start to take off put her in a bubbler! Hydroponics is the way to go, I've got plenty experience in soil as well. Would never go back.
Once her roots start to take off put her in a bubbler! Hydroponics is the way to go, I've got plenty experience in soil as well. Would never go back.
Will look into it! hoping to do just soil for this one just to get the hang of thr process. I am hoping they look on track for day 4!

Planted them April 6th

Following shots are of day 4






advice more than welcome!
High!!! Im an amateur growing in soil myself. What kind of soil are you using? What lights are you using now and plan on using for the duration of your grow? They're looking good for lil babies. This is a great place for advice and an AWESOME group of people.
High!!! Im an amateur growing in soil myself. What kind of soil are you using? What lights are you using now and plan on using for the duration of your grow? They're looking good for lil babies. This is a great place for advice and an AWESOME group of people.
All i know right now is they are called chinese black box leds. I can upgrade before hitting our flowering stage if need be! Everything grown is personal use so high yeild is not the main goal but i do want good quality. Soil is just from a home depo soil bag. Can also switch that up when transplanting to bigger pots
High!!! Im an amateur growing in soil myself. What kind of soil are you using? What lights are you using now and plan on using for the duration of your grow? They're looking good for lil babies. This is a great place for advice and an AWESOME group of people.
I dont think i ever read a rude post or a comment in these marijuana forums .. I don't know why but I just feel like the only real people on earth are left in these forums. They are so quick to help and answer questions sure they have a passion for this stuff but a person's character speaks valume most if the time . So that being said much love to everyone
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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