Nutrient change

I tend to leave it a week then add my boosts etc as im in coco.
Dont your nutes have a chart to kinda follow?
My advice would be to follow that as a lot of nutes lines call for different times to add etc.
Might want to add what line your using your prob find someone who has used and might offfer the right advice in soil.

Also welcome to 420MAG

Everyone will tell yo differently.
Some do it when they switch to 12/12.
Others wait until the plant starts making flowers.
When does everybody change nutes from veg to flower? When I switch lights to 12 and 12 or at sign of first flower?

My understanding is that a well balanced nutrient mix provides sufficient nutrients for cannabis from seedling to harvest. This thread is what convinced me to adopt this approach. It doesn't appear to be that common here on 420 but there are other sites that discuss the ferts that I use (Jacks 3-2-1 for RO) and it's not uncommon for growers to run the same mix all the way through.

In the grows that I've done using that technique, the biggest problem that I've had with my grows is that the plants, all autos until recently, tend to outgrow my 2' x 4' tent. At no time have I seen any indication of either over or under supply of nutrients as a result of not changing my formulation.

As best I can tell, this approach has provided my plants with chemicals needed to keep them in the "sufficiency" range. That's the goal of using fertilizer — to provide enough chemicals so that the plants have "sufficient" chemicals to reach their genetic potential

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