Octopus' Garden

Wow, what a difference a day makes, and it's not the garden of which I speak. The head is doing wonders. I can actually remember when things happened as to specific timelines. The rest of the week since I got konked is still oatmeal, but at least I appear to have turned the corner and am improving instead of getting worse or being stuck that way. I was starting to worry for a while there, especially when I woke the wife at 3:30 AM one morning, thinking it was 3:30 PM and she was still at work. Freaked her out to awake to someone grilling her asking when she got home, what was she doing in bed and why did she have her PJs on at that time of the day?. Worse, when I finally started accepting I was the one who may have been mistaken and walked to the next room I was confronted with the Hoover and rug cleaner being outside the Plasticine Greenhouse I used to call a recording studio. I turned and asked what she thought she was doing messing around in there, that I've told her time and again... and then I remember I was in there, last I remember so how could it have been her? I still don't remember dragging that stuff out and doing the carpet or what even brought it on. Glad I did, the place is spic and span as it can be, given its givens. She told me tonight that's when she really started to worry. She's used to me refusing hospital for things that just blow her mind that someone wouldn't go running after suffering. She was there when I was in trauma ER when the mitten got mashed. I was joking with the docs and nurses while sitting there with a hand the size of a cantaloupe wondering if I'd ever play the guitar again. That's another story for another time.

So, I've been busy the past 24 hours just trying to ketchup with things. This was a bad time for a first grow, between building the house taking all my time and then the lumping doing me no favors it's been a little rough but I'm not complaining, what doesn't kill you... and it's true.

I can now say I'm caught up. Everything's in its final resting places except the last 4 clones I took off the mainline. I've decided I have too many plants going at once. I can only flower 6. There is a loophole for MMJ patients like me in that the laws states "6, or as many as it takes to produce a 2 month supply of 10 oz. of flower and a certain amount of concentrate", sounds like a loophole to me, so seeing it's my first grow I could most likely win any challenge. But that's not what I'm about, I just want to save money and add a hobby to the music thing. Anyways, I'm going to look for a local Vet's organization or such to help me find a home for the clones next week. If anyone has suggestions I'd appreciate the help. I've got those 4 and Calamity Jane in the 2x2 now and switched off the Bloom switch but removed the timer so it's 24/7 to see if I can keep them in a holding pattern for now.

The 4x4 is now just cruising, waiting to be flipped when ready. Everything's gone far enough out that I'll let it all start shooting upwards until the flip. I'll just keep plucking them to prevent shading.

It's kind of melancholy, looking back now that there's not much to do. Again, because of other things, my first grow was basically a juggling act. Because of that, it seems like a tornado of disjointed activity, especially this last week. But then I think of it as being nothing but a good thing. I wasn't here 24/7 like Smeagol with a 'My Precious' tent instead of a ring. Kind of kept me on my toes, too. I had the Nitrogen thing and the timer thing and the thing thing. One wrong move and the lack of time for follow up could have bit me hard. Not saying I'm good, just extremely lucky it didn't go bad.

Ah, the thing-thing. I was sitting here night before last at 2AM (see, I'm getting better) playing my guitar with headphones, the lights low, when all of a sudden it feels like an icy mist was hitting me in the face. It felt like snow. Ever hear the expression the turbulence of butterfly wings flapping can cause a hurricane halfway 'round the world, or however it goes? Well, the wind from the wife opening the door to the garden caused a cloth bag to get lifted, un-noticed, far enough off its resting place for the AC intake to grab ahold and not let go. That caused it to start cooling a space the size of a glove compartment instead of the size of a room. That caused it to start acting like a dehumidifier, filling the base and carrying smegma towards the drain hole. That caused the water to rise to a level where the fan could start hurling it with great abandon, both on the cooling fins causing them to look like a freezer that's never been defrosted and the leftover out the exhaust and hitting my face in the form of sleet. The ice encasing the fins expanded and Freon started hissing out before I could take off the phones, put down the guitar, switch on a light, see what was happening, rip everything from in front of the window while choking on Ozone killer, turn it off, realize the only thing for it was the old heave-ho, un-plug it, open the window and give it a shove, causing to land on the asphalt walkway, 3 floors below a 2:05 AM the night before last. Yep, the flap of butterfly wings can be murder.

Also, I've had time to watch myself on video taped whilst under the effects of a melon thumping. I'm still laughing, wish I had a nickel for every 'know what I mean' and other nonsense I uttered. Other than that and the pauses trying to remember the last word out of my mouth, that's pretty much me. Knucklehead.

Oh, I saw my cousin today, he finally stopped by to see how I was. I started giving him 'what for' for not checking on me sooner, but it appears there's another part of that day I've lost. He said he rushed over when it happened and was trying to hold me up, he knew instantly I was hurt pretty good just from the sound of it. Apparently some part of me was with it enough to pick up a piece of 2x4 and crack him in the shins with it while I was bent over. He pulled his pant legs up and he had two huge purple lumps where I caught him on both shins. Like I said, I don't recall that but I do recall other things about the day. Good to know that even in that condition I still have some fight in me. On top of it, asking how I was wasn't the motive. He brought the house plans and asked me to help figure how much drywall he was going to need. If I'd had another 2x4 to hand I would have chased him out. I told him to go to the building supply store, give the estimator the plans and let him give you a quote. His response was he didn't want to appear not to know anything. I mean I was beyond gob-smacked. I lit into him pretty good, telling him they have sensors in the parking lot that alert staff of arriving dum-dums like him before they ever exit the car. That it's disguised as a slightly different telephone ring so no one puts two and two together. I went on to tell him it wasn't even needed in his case, one look at his mug gives him away, it's so powerful the blind can sense it. Did I mention he has more black belts than I can name?

I can't get too mad, after all it is all my fault. When we were kids, me about 5 and him 10, we lived right next door to each other. One summer day, while I was in the front yard playing with my Tonka trucks in the dirt, he comes over, shoves me out of the way and takes over my dig site. I go running down the cellar of my house where my old man was doing something and told him what happened. I'd like to think he put his hand on my shoulder and gave me the 'I won't always be around to fight your battles in life.' speech, but reality was he told me to leave him be and figure it out for myself while raising the piece of wood in his hand in case I didn't move out. I could have cried more, but all I heard was 'figure it out for yourself' so I did. I went outside, grabbed a half of a cobblestone that was near the porch, staggered up behind him and cracked him on the top of the head. He goes face down in the dirt, flopping like a fish and I'm thinking I sure did it this time. I run in my room and hide between the bed and wall, I know woe and misery will soon be my lot. While I'm hiding, I guess he went in his house. Next I know I hear my aunts voice from her side porch screaming my mother's name, claiming I just killed her son. It sounds contrived, but this really happened, no fooling. Long story short my father found my hiding spot, madder because he had to search and I got a beating. After I dried the tears, I went out to the yard, grabbed my trucks and took them inside. Seems even at that young age I seem to have to finish missions through to the very end. Didn't do me any favors that day, but has stood me in good stead more often than not. Now that I think of it, if I hadn't cracked him in the shins it could be considered that we were even, that he 'got me back' when there was nothing to get even for. He got his comeuppance for stealing my truck, he started it. I've been dogging him so hard in front of his friends about the cobblestone incident that he could have used this as a deflective tool. Glad I nipped that bud before it became an issue.

I remembered to retrieve a firewire cable from the closet I've been in 5 time in the past week but always forgot to get. Just getting to the door is a project, let alone opening it. Now I can set up a decent video deal. Speaking of which, I've got to install Ubuntu Studio tonight and see what video tools are available through a Linux distro. Anyone have suggestions either to a program or Linux distro I should check out? I wish Linux was more audio friendly, by it's a kludge getting a DAW going on it. I'm shite with Terminal.

I'm building something to access my plants better, even the ones at the back when they can't be moved. It's Lazy Susans on a Lazy Susan so I can rotate all or one, as desired. I've got two milk crates of golf balls I've been trying to find a use for, I found it. I was thinking I could motorize it, but that's version A1, I'd have to fashion slip rings and that to get it going. Manual will suffice for now. I could sit at the door of the tent and just spin them around to work on anything. Something that'd have been in place if I weren't so busy this time around.

Other than that not much has gone on. LOL

I'll throw some pics of the new arrangement in a while, it's going up for 3AM and I'm starving. Been trying to hold off raiding the Chinese take away left-overs, the dog hears the microwave, thinks it's for her, wakes the wife who thinks she's go to 'go' and next I know I'm stumbling down the stairs to let the dog out who then just stands there looking at me like I'm stupid. Well, off to Linux Land.
Oh, the head's better, but the forearm was just warming up. Either that or I just couldn't hear the screams while the head-bone had my full attention, or at least what was still functional at the time.
First, I moved my vids to a new channel and just realized editing is limited here? I'll move them in a bit.

Second, I opened the tent to this, this AM.

Just finished giving the guard piglet her bath. Just wanted to put it out there that you can go as OT as your heart desires in my garden, I won't chase you out with half the contents of the garden shed. All work and no play... . As long as you don't start plucking my "apples" from my orchard during your visit, we're cool. You can look, but don't touch. ;)
Another thing, while I'm at it. I understand the reason for a forum wide time limit on editing, but when it's in my own garden and applied to me, kinda makes me feel like a share-cropper who doesn't hold his own reins of his own mule, some guy down the road does.

Hoped I had seen the back end of the group punishment thing the day I ETS'd. :rolleyes: I've been acclimatized, so it's not a huge deal, just hoped I had seen the back of it. :cool:
Been a busy, but rewarding day if there's such a thing as Karma. :halo:

I rate the halo because I'm not mentioning another word, it's enough I know. ;)

Not a whole lot to report today, I was otherwise occupied. I did get home before lights out so I had time to drag the girls out and give them a once over. The crunch on the mainline has already set but I just left it alone. I re-pinned the manifold, I'm curious what it's going to do. Was thinking of entering it in the contest, it might win The Ugliest prize. The leaning tower of pizza (pun, I know the correct spelling) got tilted a little more. The mainline debacle taught me a new technique. The Amnesia Haze is chugging. Didn't take any leaves today, got to be a first. The twins are fine, as are the quadruplets. Calamity Jane's still Calamity Jane, still wondering what hit her, but healthy as a horse.

Now everything can grow upwards until flower. It's been a couple of days since I dosed with the first nutes and I haven't really seen any difference in growth. First instinct is to add more if you didn't get the pre-conceived result, but would you poke a bear again if it didn't wake from slumber and swallow you whole the first time? Maybe, if it were blocking your escape route from it's charging mother. It could be it has all it needs at the moment so it's pushing the plate aside, might not want it shoved back. If you ignore the warning it might crack it on your head by flopping over and pulling a tantrum. I'm going to up the strength to 1/4 and feed once more and see what happens before I make a final call. If there's an issue I can give it a quick flush with nobody harmed. I'm only giving the 0-0.7-0.6 now. I'll start adding others a little at a time if I see favorable results.

Anyways, here are some pics. I want to install Linux tonight and get up to speed. Ubuntu Studio looks pretty cool, I've been running it from a thumb drive today in between the nonsense. I multi-boot so it's a little more than just installing.








Leaning Tower;



Amnesia Haze;



CJ and the Quads under 24/7 Veg only switch;

Ahhhhhhh! Every day better than the last. I'm rounding the bend. Only cloud floating around is I'm really starting to wonder how many more of those I can take before I never return. People who've really had multiple 'tilts' know what I'm talking about. What makes you maddest is you have to recover from something again, so soon after recovering from the last or other mischief that's befallen you past or present.

To the garden, I've been contemplating nutes. I was trying to come up with a tentative course of action where I thought things through and have tentative backup plans backup plans to those tentative plans. Then I follow the tentative backups and form tentative backups for those. And then I... Wow, the got fractal, quick.

This AM, while looking out the window, I noticed that even though it's been moist the grass wasn't growing as fast as it was and it could go a couple more days. I was about to write it off to change of seasons, but it's been mild. Then it hit me, the fertilizer I had spread last spring was finally getting depleted. Bingo! Course set.

I'm going to give one dose of full strength mix, but I'm not going to dump it in, I'm going to shower it slowly in layers with straight water. I don't want run off or out. I want it to act almost like the time release in the lawn stuff. I want it to soak slowly down in layers. This way I can avoid 'hot spots' and get the best distribution. After that, I'm going to not water until it droops a little and from then on it will be straight water until I see it behave like the lawn and then repeat, if necessary. Backup is to have plenty of correct Ph water on hand to give it the old college flush if it bucks. KISS, baby, KISS!

The plants I have on 24/7 with only the veg switch are great. Calamity Jane has slowed way down, but isn't stretching as I'd imagine it would if the light were weak. If anything the newest growth look tighter. I had started the plants with just veg and switched to full spectrum thinking I was making a mistake from some of the things I had read. I'm starting to rethink this. I'm going to pay close attention to the goings on in that tent.

The mainline's arm is solid as can be, I'm gently coaxing it back down. That was a major kink, too. It was a darker green so there had to be soft tissue damage. It's going to leave a mark. I went through all and just adjusted the pins. Training's done let's see if it pays off or I committed a knucklehead.

The Amnesia Haze seems to have put it in high gear. The stems and branches seem to be bulking up noticeably. Almost like she's really getting ready to go. Hope it's a sign of things to come. The only time in my life you'll hear me say the words I hope it's poop and not just fart.

That's about it. I've been strumming Zeppelin tunes to the girls today, they really love The Rain Song, bras and scants come flying. It's been an open tuning day, Bron YrAur, That's The Way, Friends...

Going to finally tackle the Linux install tonight, could finally remember the instructions to get the multi-boot going without having to install GRUB on a separate partition and mutli-boot Windows at the same time. Sounds convoluted, but it's worth it if you need multi-in-one computers instead of multiple computers.

I'll get some pics up in a while. Can't wait until I have more than just baby pictures, I know how mind ripping boring it is if the wee 'un aren't yours.
You can't make this stuff up, I just caught another dum-dum thing I done. In my brain-addled state, while trying to figure which switch was which on the lamp I dimmed the other day, I must have looked at the hanging ones in the other tent and switched the bloom switch off on the 1200W in the big tent. I'm beginning to see futility in calling the first grow other than throw away. Not throw away as in give up, more like the scratch paper for a math test.

All day I've been thinking the blurple was more blur than ple. I'm sitting here playing guitar and have the tops of the doors cracked to cycle some air and noticed it again. Then it hit me, I wonder if... and sure enough, bloom was off. I even spun the plants today because I thought I noticed a difference on one side and it didn't even occur then. I don't remember doing it, so it took a while to put it together. I have to look at dates on pictures to figure exactly how long it was like that. If I end up with more than popcorn it will be a miracle, but I'm riding this donkey to the bitter end.

Wonder I have any feet left, way I've been Barney Fife'ing them.
I just thought, I hope this was accidental and not a part of me thinking it was a good idea. Just alerted the wife I still need some baby-sitting, she's not pleased.
How can I possibly be a well known member when I just got here? Did I cross some threshold? My post count isn't at any milestone that I can see.

Matter of fact, I don't like it. Might make someone give greater weight to my words than merited. I haven't even finished a grow. I've been tripping over myself letting others know I'm a knucklehead when considering my advice, this doesn't help.

I hate to sound like a grump, but this is a pet peeve of mine. I've taught myself to do many things in life by knowing when to admit I don't know something and either contemplated further or sought tutelage from someone who did.

I try to be very careful and read posts a couple of times to see if I'm scrambling something before I answer and only answer if I think no harm will result.

If it's possible, I'd like it rolled back, at least until after I show myself I have half a clue about anything and I'm just not there yet. I could be cruising along headed for a cliff and just don't know it, for all I know.

Help! :rolleyes:
Almost forgot, there are people here depending on a crop for meds for more serious matters than I. That's not something I take lightly, it's a major responsibility, if you think about it. Forget about the average Joe/sephine having dosh invested.

Who do I contact to get that fixed?
Hey guys, this WKM thing has my melon in the wringer. Tossed and turned for the few brief hours I could manage to remain horizontal with this going 'round my noggin'.

You know, it might be nice for some to get trophies and followers and be popular, but that's not what I'm about. I couldn't care less about that stuff. When I join a community like this it's because I like to help people who I happen to be a little more observant than for whatever reason at a given time. It's one thing with software support, or the like, but this is way more serious than that nonsense. Again, I take responsibility very, very seriously. I've seen the results first hand of others that don't. I think forum rankings do more harm than good. People see the title, see that you follow more rules of Grammar than you break, and automatically promote your words to rocket scientist level. Makes me feel like a hospital janitor who's been spot promoted to surgeon and the only qualifier was he was the only one to have some type of rubber gloves.

I'm just going to stick to this thread until I have at least one grow under my belt. The added pressure of that stupid title is messing with my head. I'll stop there and try to get a vid up this AM of the girls. I'll be lurking even if you don't see me, good chance to read through some posts and educate myself a little more in the meantime.

To top it all off, the worst part is how I'm sounding to myself when I re-read the last few posts. :(
Few hours later and I've had time to look at this from a bunch of angles and have come to the conclusion that I can turn this into a good thing in a few ways.

First, instead of worrying how others will take it, I'm going to use it like a note on the shaving mirror to remind me to be extra observant as to what I say and how it can be taken different ways by a diverse cross section in a global forum. IOW, something basic like judging if English is a first language. There are things that just don't translate, or do, but have a different connotation than intended as an example. Works both ways, something taken as an insult here might be the same as a kiss on the lips to them.

It'll remind me that the person on the other end of the line might not be a kid hiding a micro grow from the parents in the rafters and there might be more urgent cause for the request for help.

Also, that people might disguise themselves as kids to avoid a perceived stigma for any reason from not wanting a blabbermouth co-worker to recognize the story and let a cat out of a bag that could have an impact not readily apparent to whatever. That person could be alone and have no local resource and be so hopeful they'll be able to succeed and get what they need to treat you name it. It might be someone's life savings invested in hopes of saving the better half or a child. The garden of someone with certain givens may be the only thing keeping them going, hanging on to see the fruit. Just the positive feelings or hope it re-introduces might go farther than any scrip meds ever could otherwise. It may be a caregiver who's 15 minutes tending that garden is the only escape from a day of soiled linen and bed pan duty. It might be a Veteran.
Are you starting to see why I started getting worried? I'd be beyond devastated knowing I had the slightest part of any of it. It's not how I've lived my life. My phone rings just about every day with someone needing something or can't do something and I never say no. I can't get a favor returned to save my life, but the next time that same person who turned me down for no good reason asks, bet I'll be right there for them like nothing happened. I'll qualify that with 'most times', people like that knucklehead cousin gets both ears full and then some.

Plus, I put the bustedfist knucklehead in my sig for a reason. When people got to the bottom of my post and thought I might be making sense and saw that, I hoped it'd slow them down before taking anything I say as written in stone. I scrambled it even more to make the trap more secure. I look over and see Well Known Member and it's like I'm shoveling poop against the tide. Just when I think I'm safe from inundation, the pesky moon does Her thing and I'm right back on the shovel.

I'm going to quietly watch my garden grow and make a series of vids to show people like I mentioned above what they can do if they just follow along. Not to toot my own horn, I'm no rocket scientist, but for my first grow, looking at comps, I'm not doing too bad IMHO. Got to be doing something right, no? Again, honest question, I could be headed for a cliff and not see it coming but I guess time will have to be the judge.

As you were, I'll be in the area all day. :cool:
Hey guys, this WKM thing has my melon in the wringer. Tossed and turned for the few brief hours I could manage to remain horizontal with this going 'round my noggin'.

You know, it might be nice for some to get trophies and followers and be popular, but that's not what I'm about. I couldn't care less about that stuff. When I join a community like this it's because I like to help people who I happen to be a little more observant than for whatever reason at a given time. It's one thing with software support, or the like, but this is way more serious than that nonsense. Again, I take responsibility very, very seriously. I've seen the results first hand of others that don't. I think forum rankings do more harm than good. People see the title, see that you follow more rules of Grammar than you break, and automatically promote your words to rocket scientist level. Makes me feel like a hospital janitor who's been spot promoted to surgeon and the only qualifier was he was the only one to have some type of rubber gloves.

I'm just going to stick to this thread until I have at least one grow under my belt. The added pressure of that stupid title is messing with my head. I'll stop there and try to get a vid up this AM of the girls. I'll be lurking even if you don't see me, good chance to read through some posts and educate myself a little more in the meantime.

To top it all off, the worst part is how I'm sounding to myself when I re-read the last few posts. :(

Man, I'm well known to stress over anything and everything,so take it from me: you gotta lighten up a bit or you'll grind yourself down :peace::)
Man, I'm well known to stress over anything and everything,so take it from me: you gotta lighten up a bit or you'll grind yourself down :peace::)

Was afraid it was coming across that way. I hope the next post down puts it into better context. I'm not worried about perceptions or feelings or anything like that, just the repercussions one wrong word could cause someone who needed it least. IOW, a realization of exactly where I stand in the big picture as to how much I actually know, a realization of boundaries. Not restricting boundaries, the ones that keep Rover from roving into the road. Make sense?

I hate to even type this because it might open tender wounds or start thoughts down darker paths, but lets face it, there are probably those that could be staring the end of days in the face. I can relate in many, many ways. I can imagine how I'd feel if the advice I'd followed the night before killed all hope by the next day. Something I wouldn't ever want to happen even once.

I'd give the same advice to the kid and adult, but maybe in a different way and if I didn't know which I were talking to it could result in confusing both instead of bringing understanding. Life and death in more ways than one.

Last, everyone's entitled to a knee jerk reaction, it's the ability to think it through and turn lemons into lemonade that matters in the end. :cool:
Little update, I noticed a few brown tips on two plants, ones I had recently fed. Looked exactly the same as when I had N overload. I looked closer and noticed it was only one side of two plans that were affected and only the upper leaves. With the N deal, all fans on that level showed the symptom, not one side. Took a few ticks to realize the plants were closest to the point the where I pictured the 600w and 1200w cones crossed. I had a PAR hot spot. If the lights were too close, the tops would be the worst as it's the newest growth but they were fine. If I had acted on first instinct I'd have flushed it and put it back in the tent, possibly shifting position enough to make me think my cure worked when it was the simple move that did it.

Just an example of how looking before leaping should always be the first step of any course of action. May not have harmed this time, but continued bucking of the odds brings statistics to the party. Anyway...
Can't get over Calamity Jane. Glad I didn't write her off. Seeing what she's doing at this size, with just the veg switch and at least 30" to the 600w I'm re-thinking my switch theory. Even the clones are want for naught, couldn't be doing better.

From where she started to the crunch to now it was pretty cool. I can't wait to see what she does.

I have to say one more time how much I just love this crazy cursor on the forum. It's doing its best to make me look like a nincompoop by putting letters all over the place. And when you return it to where you were, wonder of all wonders, it jumps back and starts tommy-gunning letters all over the place again. It's like someone hits Shift-Tab-and a varying number of Backspaces. What gives, already. I'm almost getting ready to start ripping down curtains to find The Wizard whom I'm positive is (EDIT I just realized I lost this is to Wizard) (EDIT2 had to remove a 'the') behind the scenes, messing with me. Anyone else see this on their end? Bueller?

I hate to keep mentioning the bean, but this isn't doing it any favors, either. :cool:
Just passed lights out, not much to report. My pocket microscope's supposed to hit me tomorrow, I'm giddy with anticipation.

Took the girls out tonight to give them the once over, everything's fine- no issues.

The mainline looks like an octo-drone. Pics below.

I re-spread the crown manifold, I forgot I took the pegs out to take a picture. No harm, no foul.

The one I just trained over to the side, the top of the RPK, is level and the stalk intact, not even a kink. I'm training the nodes to the sides and she's looking like half her mom, the manifold.

The Amnesia Haze is just raring to go. I'm thinking I might need a plan B for that one, maybe the 600w in a corner and the 1200 on the rest. Have to play it by ear.

You saw Calamity Jane this AM, and the quarts.

Here are tonight's pics in no particular order, you'll see who is who. :cool:

You can't make this stuff up. :sigh:

My scope arrived this AM, met the mail lady like the Cookie Monster awaiting a shipment of Girl Scout cookies. Limped my carcass back up stairs to check it out. Put batteries in it, started testing it on print and stuff when I thought, "Silly man, why are you wasting time with a magazine when you have patients waiting?". Enter the garden, open a tent, grab a plant, take a step back and trip necessitating a 'HARD landing' entry in the two-points-of-contact's flight log. You can relax, the plant's fine, it had me for an air bag. Got a little basement remodel in the form of a dent in the bottom during the crash, but other than that not even a creased leaf. I, on the other hand, came out a little worse for wear. As if the pile-driving with the dimensional lumber weren't enough for the poor neck-bone, I had to add a Malacci Crunch to the recipe.

Not whinging, I can take a heck of a lot worse, been tested many, many times. This is more of a Public Service Announcement. Don't be in such a rush to get into your garden the you forget you left long-handled implements in the shapes of guitars laying around, just waiting to be stepped on so they can raise up and smack you upside the closest portion of your head. If you do drag guitars out of the new home, cased and in the corner, to enjoy your other hobby, move them on the way to the tent. If a guard piglet scratches and scratches at the door wanting to choose her own post, give it an Article 15 for breaking General Order 1B. "You do not choose said post, it will be appointed by the Sgt. Of The Guard at time of posting.". Don't break down and put her bed (which has to be millimeter precise in terms of placement or she just stands there looking at you until you comply) in the path, along with the rack of stringing instruments.

Good news is the melon's safe. Neck's got a case of the a_ _ that would sink a battleship, but the egg's Ok. Backbone seems like it's still taking a deep breath in preparation for the inevitable roar this will coax from it.

Did I say :sigh:?

Other than that, it's been a good day all in all. :cool:
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