Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room


New Member
Tucson is a scant 50 miles away from a country in which President Obama started a Civil War. Civility strikes again.

In early December 2008, after election, before inauguration, someone asked Barack Obama an honest legitimate question about legalizing Marijuana to end the violence of its underground economy, and to curtail profits of organized crime. But the President-elect offered no honest answer. Instead, he made a joke about it. Ha ha. Immediately Marijuana-related murders in Mexico shot through the roof. More than one thousand Mexicans were murdered over Marijuana in the following month, and in every month since then. By the time President Obama took office, the situation was declared a Civil War.

Once in office, President Obama appointed Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske as his Drug Czar. An ABC documentary around that time reported that sentencing guidelines in Washington state called for no jail term whatsoever for people convicted three times of possessing 99 live Marijuana plants. Given the likely profit for such an operation, that policy is tantamount to encouraging cultivation. Kerlikowske was able to severely lower the crime rate by not prosecuting Medical Marijuana “crimes.” But as Czar, “Old 3 Ks” has consistently lied about Medical Marijuana, claiming it has no medical use. The fact is: Marijuana has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Such a civil lie, to perpetuate a Civil War.

But because the War’s victims are mainly Mexicans instead of norteamericanos, civility doesn’t call for ending Prohibition to help end the Civil War. You see, there is so much profit money for corporations in keeping Marijuana illegal, and those very corporations give so much money to President Obama’s election efforts, what do you expect him to do? Just how honest do you think this guy is? The victims are only Mexicans. What’s a thousand deaths a month, more or less? Let’s be civil about this.

Meanwhile, propaganda reports resurrecting the Reefer Madness specter tell us repeatedly that the assassin is a pot-smoking loner, recalling the old claims that Marijuana causes violence and murder. In fact, the opposite is true. But there is a grain of truth behind this myth: People with violent tempers often smoke Marijuana — I smoke it a lot, but my friends with violent temper problems smoke many times as much as I do. Marijuana can stop a temper tantrum or a depressive episode quickly. Arizona voted to legalize it.

The assassinated judge frequently criticized the Obama Administration’s requiring the state(s) to pay costs of fallout from the US Government’s efforts to destabilize Mexico, including paying for the policing of illegal immigration and the Drug War. That judge is much more civil, now that he has stopped criticizing the President, the same President who so civilly claims that as President he is allowed to order assassinations of Americans.

Representative Giffords was named Sierra Club’s most valuable player. President Obama’s environmental record is abysmal. And now the same media voices that called Pres. Obama’s December 2010 series of sellouts “victories” are praising his great civility speech, and passing on the President’s civility message to all Americans. And that message is: “‘Do as I say, not as I do.”


News Hawk: MedicalNeed 420 MAGAZINE
Source: my.firedoglake.com
Author: NormanB
Contact: Firedog Lake
Copyright: 2011 firedoglake.com
Website:Okay, If No One Else is Willing, I'll Address the Elephant in the Room
Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

I clicked the link to see an elephant and got this. Amazing opinion article.

We're living in the real life version of "The Running Man." Unfortunately in this adaptation Arnold is working for the bad guys.
Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

Ill admit its a bitch living in a superpower .Nothing is honest any more , its all propaganda!!But i cant think of a better place to live for myself .I deal with the hippocrits by just accepting what they are and what iam not!! That and my homegrown meds. is all i need. slojoe
Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

yawn... Why is there complaining we are making headway MM is now legal in more than TWO HANDFULS of states slow and steady progress is the key. THIS IS NOT OBAMA'S 'WAR' he did not start nor cause this, so stop the bullshit propaganda. Why has everyone got to put the blame on the black guy he inherited this stupid shit NOT caused it.

Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

Maybe he didnt cause it- but he didnt inherit it and he sure as hell isnt doing a damn thing to help the situation. Its not hating- its the truth. I still dont see why people are kissing his ass and putting him up on a pedestal. What has he REALLY done??
Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

Every damn time I think I can't be surprised or shocked by something those assholes in Washington are up to...I can always come on here and see something like this amazing article. What the hell ever happened to impeaching one of these idiots ? But then again, they have the power to keep spreading the lies and the power to keep the truth swept under the rug...I wonder if this BS will EVER end. Great article though !
Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

It really does not matter who is in charge of the "drug wars". The important idea is that all of us who support the legalization of Cannabis, is to educate everyone possible. Israel and Brazil have government sponsored Cannabis medical programs. Every day some new study is released indicating Cannabis has a new medical use. If everything was taken into consideration that the medical infrastructure knows; Cannabis would be reclassified from a schedule I narcotic to at least a schedule II or even a schedule III.
Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

thats cool and all..... but what does that really have to do with our current situation as Americans? A million people can go on all day and then some about how the rest of the world is handling their "drugs"....but when the panties hit the floor, its the same old song and dance. Drugs are bad because they dont help out the man...and thats it. If the man was getting financial gain from a joint smoked by the kid down the street, or the MD guy that they read about, then it would be a totally different story. but the plain truth is: if you dont play the game in the good ol' U S of A.....you gotta answer to the man. I dont give a blue shit what other countries do......my beloved wife and myself have but one remedy to chronic pain, nausea, and anxiety that can be remedied by one simple plant. And it really tweaks my nads to have this same discussion every single day. Hopefully America will one day come back to it's original roots and be a rebellious, successful outcast.

Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

Progressives will never legalize any drug. Every citizen must produce or die, that is part of the communist manifesto. Once a year every person in society must go before commission and justify their existence by showing what work they performed through out the year.

You want legal drugs go after the capitalist they want the money. Progressives think grocery stores are bad cause they make a profit. Hitler was a progressive.
Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

Progressives will never legalize any drug. Every citizen must produce or die, that is part of the communist manifesto. Once a year every person in society must go before commission and justify their existence by showing what work they performed through out the year.

You want legal drugs go after the capitalist they want the money. Progressives think grocery stores are bad cause they make a profit. Hitler was a progressive.
Spoken like a real right wing republican butthead !! Can't you see that the right & the left stand for only one thing and that's $$ !! That's what happens when you are put in a prison, they breed clicks, White, black, and hispanics, fighting each other. That way they can't keep their minds on the real enemy !! Devide and conquer !! I certainly don't approve of the way the Obama administration has handled some issues, but for you sir to call anyone a communist, is outragious !! It's all about $$ !! But the domocrats do have more compassion for poor folks, the young & the old !! It's a shame that politics are even being discussed when talking about mj relegalization. We'd be better served with fighting to end how these stupid laws are introduced in the 1st. place. It seems to be too easy to pass a new law , but to dificult to get rid of same law !! I am an Independant and i vote both ways, but have to admit, that i've lost my confidence in the american political system !! I would vote for one new law, and that's making the politicans keep their campaign promises !! If you ever have the opportunity to travel abroad, you'll imediately notice that the average citizens of most countrys hate what the usa stands for. You are right goddog about the control aspect, but you are wrong laying it at the feet of Mr. Obama !! Obama did'nt defeat prop 19, greed and ignorance was the culprit !!
If Marijuana has no medicinal value why are big name pharmaceutical companies investing in it and releasing drugs like Marinol. The article pretty much explained it. People are waking up to the fact that our Government is run by corporations and their lobbyists. Whatever policy the corporations think they can make money off, that is the policy they support. They figure they can make a few more billion off prohibition at the expense of living in a free, open, and balanced society. Obama was supported by a lot of young people. Those same politically active young people will support someone else if they are given the chance. We have a serious generation gap and leadership gap in this country. You look at the Congress and the Senate and it is mostly old white men. These old men have nothing in common with their sons.
Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

If one looks into Marinol's history one maybe even more angry with the US Gov. than they all ready are.

Marinol Study - Long

Quote- In 1981, the government sold the Marinol patent to a small pharmaceutical company named Unimed based in Somerville, New Jersey. By 1985, after one unsuccessful attempt at FDA approval, Marinol was finally approved as a Schedule II drug (a relatively quick approval by FDA standards). Thus, Unimed, with government backing, began targeting terminal cancer patients in order to accumulate profit.

So if the Gov. sold the patent one would realize that it was not going to be a BIG money maker? Right

Now (Since Nov. 2003) the US Health Dept. has a Patent #6630507 on cannabis and is awaiting on "Their" patent to be approved for the delivery method of above patent, after that "Approval" is when they MAY come forward and admit their insistence on making US Citizens and Humans of the world suffer without Cannabis as MEDICINE.
SlowPuffer. Your name says it all, you are slow to catch on. I am not republican, I am an independent. Used to be democrat until 2001 when I realized the dem's where not dem's anymore but communist (progressive) promising me everything and delivering nothing. I will assume from your comments you do not know bush was a communist. I am a capitalist not dem not repub, show me the money. All we need federally is a strong military no other members of a federal government.

Taking my money and giving it to someone who does not deserve it it not caring for the poor. It is keeping the poor in a state of waiting for others to take care of them. Never doing for themselves. Just another lie repeated until someone believes it.

You are not independent for you cannot think for yourself, you just repeat communist speaking points you learned from your teachers. Go read some real history.

You want politicians to deliver on promises? Do not allow anyone to server more than 2 terms, cut their pay, and remove their paid expenses. When their job is secure humans tend to not follow through and start slacking off. As I have said in the past run for office and make the change yourself. You will find it is not so easy.

Now do not attack me anymore go attack your leaders that make more money of illegal drugs than they would with legalizing them.
Re: Okay, If No One Else Is Willing, I'll Address The Elephant In The Room

When their job is secure humans tend to not follow through and start slacking off.

A most glorious response comrade!

Here are a few definitions of communism that I found on google that should help clear up some confusion.

: A form of socialism that abolishes private ownership
: A political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society

Communism looks wonderful on paper, but as history shows us, one person usually ends up acting like god (pun intended) making life unpleasant for those with a different view.:peace:
Ok, the topic is not Communisim, Independents, Democrats or Republicans unless it is related to the use of Cannabis. Please stay on topic or take it to our off topics forum. Lets also keep our conversation civil. There is no need to get personal. I really don't want to start editing posts and sending pm's. I prefer to spend my time in positive ways. Thanks Friends.
I was attacked personally and you say nothing I defend myself and get yelled at.

Where is the open mind here?

Where is the freedom of speech and ideas?
If you are fighting prohibition, Obama is an enemy to your cause.

He is the boss of the criminal organization, the DEA, and last year, he increased their budget by half a billion dollars. Tomorrow Obama could reschedule to class 2 without any political fallout. I do not accept defense of Obama on the grounds that he can do no better ('after all, he is only the President of the U.S.'). Obama is not a friend to cannabis and those of us who support the loosening of laws surrounding them. And Obama will not be reasoned with in this matter. He is not so dumb that he doesn't know the merits of the intellectual arguments in favor of an end to prohibition. Perhaps he is in the pockets of his lobbyists, or perhaps he is a political coward. I cannot know what motivates his oppressive stance. But we have enough evidence to know that whatever hopes we may have had in his alliance in this fight were seriously misplaced.
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