On Walden's outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Thoreau famously (at least among those that read Thoreau) listed all of his expenses building his shack near Walden Pond, in an effort to convey how simply one could live.

Not my purpose, but I tracked all expenses for my simple outdoor grow (which also included lots of tomatoes, peppers, basil, oregano, mint, thyme, and kale). Unlike Thoreau, I won’t list all expenses here, but they were super minimal: local quite cheap seeds, local, very cheap steer & chicken manure spread out in the winter, a bit of lime (soils here are pretty acidic), a DIY calcium supplement, plus a weekly thin topcoat of my own cold compost. That’s it---I don’t use any pesticides, mycocides, or any storebought fertilizer of any sort.

…all told, the grow ran me about $68, including water. Bottom line cost per gram of dried trimmed flower was about $0.22/g & that does NOT include the 3 quarts of very stony fan leaf oil or the 2 g of xlnt trim hash.

This year’s no aberration—past coupla years, my grows have run pretty close to the same—about $0.30/g dried trimmed flower

My light touch with fertilizers might have affected my yield, but I’m not out to maximize that. I always grow far more than I can use, including what I supply for free to a relative with seizures, so I always end up giving away more than half of what I grow annually.

But I don’t think my approach affected yield much, because the rest of my garden really pumped out the produce… and the quality was absolutely off the charts!

It’s been good every year, but to quote Captain Beeheart, “this is the best batch yet.” I love outdoor grows!

What was your DiY calcium supplement? I've used bone meal occasionally (long time ago), but mostly just reached for the big sack of calcium nitrate.

What was your DiY calcium supplement? I've used bone meal occasionally (long time ago), but mostly just reached for the big sack of calcium nitrate.

This: Emmie's DIY CalMagPhos+ From Eggshells & it worked fantastic for me in my soils. I did not foliar apply. Just added it to garden water about twice a week.

Have used bone meal in the past, but this was better!
I'll have to give this a try. My tomatoes have suffered from calcium deficiency the past couple years.
I'll have to give this a try. My tomatoes have suffered from calcium deficiency the past couple years.
Be sure to roast the eggshells when you can open your kitchen windows or do it outside on a barbecue grill. The roasting really stinks.

After it sits in the vinegar, the mix doesn't smell bad at all. I applied it to my toms & chiles in addition to my grow & it really worked well...better than bonemeal. I'm sold on it!
I might try pouring some into the pepper/tomato garden just before rototilling the soil in next spring.
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