Organic Soil Recipe

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420 Member
2 gal Quality Organic Soil-mix
2 gal Coir (coconut fiber)
2 gal Perlite (small grain size)
2 gal Earthworm Castings

1½ cup Grow or Bloom ‘Pure’ by Organicare (or 1 cup 5-5-5)
½ cup Greensand
¾ cup Ground Oyster Shells (1 cup if no crushed oyster shells)
1½ cup Crushed Oyster Shells (optional)
½ cup Dolomite Lime (powdered)
1 cup Prilled (pelletized) Fast Acting Dolomite Lime
¼ cup Blood Meal
¼ cup (heaping) Feather Meal
1 cup un-steamed Bone Meal
½ cup Bulb Food (3-8-8 as one good N-P-K example)
¼ cup Soft Rock Phosphate (powdered)
½ cup (heaping) Gypsum (powdered)
½ cup Kelp Meal
4 cups (heaping) Composted Steer Manure (this inoculates your mix with specialized bacteria and primo organic matter)
½ cup Azomite granular
1 cup Humic Acid ( granular or powdered)
1 cup Organic Alfalfa Meal
1 cup (heaping) organic rice (important for the good fungi in this soil-mix)
Do you use it like subcools super soil and only use it in the bottom half of the pot. Also does it need time to get or cook before you use it
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