Outdoor heat resistant strain?

Landrace is used interchangeably with heirloom. They're breeds of, in our case, plant breeds that have evolved and propagated naturally in specific regions without the "human hand" in it.

Good example would be the Eldorado which is a landrace from Oaxaca region of Mexico or Sativa Mexicana...those would do very well in hot climates. More would be like Colombian, African, Thai, Ganja strains from Jamaica mahn, you know...*cough*

Genuine landraces aren't that easy to come by nowadays with all the crossbreeding that's been going on with a lot of outdoor grows, both legal and otherwise. Lot's of commercial growers are crossing with Indicas for yield and profit rather than...well, whatever.

Almost forgot to mention, there are some Hawaiian landraces strains...can't remember what they are.
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