PH Problem Fixed


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone for all the tips and suggestions. Happy to update that my girl has NO YELLOW LEAVES anymore. It took me about 3 feedings for me to bring back down my soil PH from a 7.6 to a 6.5. Testing the runoff water was the best way to go. She will be a month in another week. As a first timer I’m so proud and happy with the work and time invested. So exciting. These plants are fascinating to me and I’ve learned so much. Can’t wait to learn more. Here is my recent picture. Any feedback will be appreciated. I still don’t know the strain, so still winging it here.

Hey, glad it worked.

Everything I’ve ever read says don’t check runoff ph or runoff ppms. Fine sediments and chemical salts from nutes come out in the wash and don’t chase after that number, worry about your input numbers not the output. But I’ve been wrong before... hope it lasts! Thanks for reporting back in!
Hey, glad it worked.

Everything I’ve ever read says don’t check runoff ph or runoff ppms. Fine sediments and chemical salts from nutes come out in the wash and don’t chase after that number, worry about your input numbers not the output. But I’ve been wrong before... hope it lasts! Thanks for reporting back in!
All input good here. I’m learning from all you guys.
I hope I finish the whole process and finish all the stages successfully. Starting to read about drying and curing.
She’s looking great.
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