PH Question

Weaselcracker thanks for the reply. I read your not supposed to use ph up and down at the same time to correct the ph.
Hmmmm.... Ive never heard that. I'll search out some info. I've been doing it for about ten years now and haven't noticed any ill effects. It happens when I overshoot the mark in one direction or another when adjusting. For some reason I do this a lot.... Assuming both the ph up and ph down aren't toxic to the plants I couldn't see a reason that it would be a problem as long as you're not adding huge amounts.
I'm not adding a lot just a few drops per gallon. I've forgotten where I read it I just want to make sure I can mix both before I kill my plant. I believe I read it when I was googling how to correct the ph when using rockwool. Thanks again weaslecracker.
I did a bunch of googling on this just now to satisfy my curiosity, even though I think I've proved the answer to myself well enough over the years. I read people saying that they heard from 'someone', or the ever popular 'I heard from the guy at the hydro shop' not to mix the two. I read other people answering saying the same as me- that they have been doing just that and didn't see any ill effects. I can't find any real info saying otherwise. Anyway- that's enough googling for now. I'm curious but not that curious. Seeing is believing
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