Places Pot People Should Avoid Around The World

This makes for a real scary read, I fear that such strict rules can't allow human growth or freedom, maybe living in Scotland ain't so bad after all?!
I wouldn't doubt that what they will do is move all the canna businesses to the outskirts of town. That way the barbarian pot hordes will not piss and vomit on the mayors shoes!

I wonder if this has anything to do w/pressure from other EU Countries that don't want lean pot laws and such things... hmm!
Thank you for this information- I never knew the that this "War on Drugs" was so horribly bad all over the world. I aint going nowhere near these barbaric drug war death club countries. So much of the world is such a fucked a place for us smokers.

No shit... o_O That was pretty horrifying. Things are screwed here, but damn. :S
He was my History Teacher in college and he was a liberal back then. He was almost a hippie then.

What the hell happened to him? :/
"They block streets in the city centre, they don't respect parking rules, they are noisy and, when they go from one coffee shop to another, they urinate and vomit in the street."

Now believe this, I am a left over from the late 60's early 70's, I have NO love for ANY GOVERNMENT. or authority figure for that matter.
But read the excerpt above and tell me who is REALLY screwing it up for everyone.
thank you very much for your informative knowledge i am fortunate that i live in a country that does have a slightly more relaxed approach to cannabis offenders i have been caught twice for cultivation of 62 mature plants the first time and 6 the second time i escaped with probation and a slap on the wrist thank the lord i live in the real world were cannabis is illeagal but not considered enough a crime to impose severe penaltys for possession or cultivation that country is the uk i am actualy proud to live in a civilized place my heart goes out to the less fortunate it grows in the wild anyway.thanks for all the info it has helped me understand hove fortunate i realy am
Does anyone have more updated list ? Those laws look like they where made long ago whern people in past where tough on crime.

I remember reading in past people would get hanged for stealing bread or gay people would be hanged .
If you think a list is going to help you I think you might be mistaken. Who might be on that list would depend on where you are, who you are, which "side" your on, among many more variables. Perhaps asking youself " whose toes am I stepping on by what I'm doing?" Like the pharmaceutical company you don't use anymore perhaps. Thats one industry that has some very powerful lobbyists with quite deep pockets. Remember the Capitalists Golden Rule ' it explains a lot' " He who has the Gold, makes the Rules." That very principle is at work in many levels throughout our government, like everywhere there is a special interest group that exerts more influence than it should have according to the numbers that they represent. Again. This is control by the Money and not "the many". (us)
If you think a list is going to help you I think you might be mistaken. Who might be on that list would depend on where you are, who you are, which "side" your on, among many more variables. Perhaps asking youself " whose toes am I stepping on by what I'm doing?" Like the pharmaceutical company you don't use anymore perhaps. Thats one industry that has some very powerful lobbyists with quite deep pockets. Remember the Capitalists Golden Rule ' it explains a lot' " He who has the Gold, makes the Rules." That very principle is at work in many levels throughout our government, like everywhere there is a special interest group that exerts more influence than it should have according to the numbers that they represent. Again. This is control by the Money and not "the many". (us)
WTF? The gentleman is asking if anybody has an updated list of un-friendly 420 countries?
I posted the article concerning The Netherlands and our beloved stoner vacation destination, Amsterdam. I wish I could report that the attack on Marijuana and coffee shops was as old and out-dated as the mind set that brought us prohibition but, alas, this is not the case. The new law went into effect January 1, 2012 and authorities will begin enforcement May 1, 2012.
The law will sweep the country from the south to north with Amsterdam under its control January 1, 2013. The law essentially makes Coffee Shops private clubs that can each have a maximum of 2000 members. All members must apply through the Government and must be citizens of The Netherlands.
Even more dis-heartening is an extension to this law that will go into effect 2014 making high potency grass, "Skunk" illegal. "Skunk" will then be classified at the same level as heroin, cocaine and LSD.
Does this sound famililar?
In short, this is your last year to go to Amsterdam and smoke like a civilized human. Next year you'll be a common criminal just like here in the good old USA.
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