Plant Grooming


New Member
My plant is 2 weeks into flowering. Besides dead leaves should I clean her up like clip leaves? Heard clipping leaves at the bottom of the plant helps the plant focus more energy into the flowering process. Or should I just leave her alone?

Grooming/pruning is mostly useful when you are growing indoors and don't have an abundance of light, like you do outside! It can be helpful outdoors though, if you're in humid conditions and worry about powdery mildew/bud rot, or if your plant is huge and some of the inside/lower buds aren't getting light. I'd say you are fine leaving her as-is though!
Think I should prune her now? I've seen other plants with little to no leaves on the colas. Pretty much bare buds. I guess they were closer to harvest than I am. I'm 5 weeks into flowering. I thought maybe I might hurt her if I plucked too many leaves. Doesn't she need them to help her produce? I'm just curious, again. Its been awhile from y last post she's processed quite well since then. Even sampled the bottom branches/flowers. Nice sweet smoke. Tell me what you think
Do not think your girl needs anything other then the TLC she`s been getting. All I would do is to keep the yellow, dried up looking leaves trimmed off. Looking good to me. Congrats on your soon to be harvest.
Thanks. Its my 1st grow. I'll leave her alone and only clip the yellow old leaves. I'll be back in a few weeks with an update hopefully pictures of my harvest. Salutes to you TheCelt & Yooper Rex
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