Plant with only 3 pointed leaves - Help!


Active Member

I found a seed in a bud that I was smoking from an automatic plant and I decided to give it a try an grow it outdoors in my terrace.

The plant that has grown from that seed is automatic because is growing bud even if it is still spring time.

Here some pictures:



As you can see, all of the leaves have 3 fingers only. What is it?

Is it worth growing it?

Help!!. Thank you!!
I would keep it going, maybe it will produce more seeds that you can hang onto for a while till you figure out what it is and why it only grows 3 fingered leaves.
I've only seen this on plants that were in flowering and got seiched back into veg and in some f3 clones it's a deformity it's a tuff call never seen it in autos but if you were to keep seeds or cut clones the defect is more likely to be passed down in the geno
I took two clones from my CBD Lullaby x Jack by Chimera when in flower. The mother is an awesome, perfectly symmetrical plant that's putting on incredible flowers. The clones seem to have absorbed the little flower tops and are growing very well. BUT, all the new growth are three fingered leaves.

I'll keep watching them. They may turn around. Even if they keep doing what they're doing, as long as they flower and don't hermie it's all good.
I have 2 silver kush that look pritty similar to that they are just not starting to pop 5 leaves but the guy I got them from had them under his stairs for 3 months with no success
this is about 2 weeks seance I got them but he already had them in flowering I had to transition them back in to veg
He used no nutrients and a single 10 wt led sense I got them there under a 1000wt mh right now I'm running about 1100 ppm I use reverse osmosis and use cal mag as a base with microorganism ,sea kelp ,necter of the gods rapid growth, root excelarator, silica blast, rhino skin ,and ameno treatment
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