Please help, chlorinated H2O/flush question


New Member
Okay, i really need to flush a twenty-gallon pot but i don't have 60+ gallons of purified water nor do i have the means to obtain anywhere near that much any time soon and time is of the essence.

Can i use aquarium solution designed to dechlorinate the water (and then appropriately PH it) or is that toxic in it's own right? My plants have been grown organically all the way so far and they've never been exposed to any chlorine. i'd like to keep it that way.

Can this aquarium stuff be used?

Any help or advice would be immensely appreciated.
If ur that worried about the chlorine in tap water I can think of 2 quick options.
1) U can purchase a tall boy or a small boy dechlorinator and sediment filter (by Hydrologic). They hook right up to the water hose (I use a small boy). OR
2) U can also gather some buckets and fill them with tap water (enough to for ur flush). Let them sit for 2 days. I've read that most of the chlorine will evaporate in the MMJ Grower's Bible (Cervantes 128).
Thank you, very much.
i'm googling the closest retail location to here asap.
Again, thanks. :woohoo: i wasn't aware of that option and i'm really toeing the line here. Have to do this, NOW.
Thanks Dr. Tentgrow, i didn't know that. i've read more than a few articles/books etc that are very specific about not using chlorinated water but they never mentioned why. Makes sense, chlorine destroys a lot of different organic and synthetic compounds and if it can kill microbes, then it's only logical that it would damage nutrient compunds too.

So in theory i could flush with PH'd chlorinated water straight from the tap as long as i chased it all with purified water?
One of my youngest sprouts got flooded with tap water last week because i wasn't home and the new sprinkler system went off nearby (they're outside). i flushed the hell out of it with purified PH'd water mixed with organic kelp extract and it seems to be fine.

Why is it that the tap water we all pay good money for is not sufficiently treated/purified and allowed to contain so many toxic compounds :cough: in the first place? (No one has to answer that, it's more of a rhetorical, pissed off at the state of current affairs thing than an actual question.) But seriously, why the fuck does anyone consider that acceptable? Geez...
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