Please help!


New Member
We just started growing a month ago and are in need of any and all help! We bought a 6.5 x 6.5 tent and we already had three 1000 watt lights. Bought nutrients by cyco Cycoflower | Cyco Platinum Series, we were told they were top notch. Bought a pretty nice ph meter and the ph up and down to add to the water. We started off with 4 clones that came from a hydro grow i guess. They were a couple weeks old i believe. We have two others that we started from seeds and they look healthy .. i think. So the reason I am posting on here is because i need advice on how to fix my problem which I'm afraid can not be fixed. So we started with these clones about a month ago. We have them set up under one 1000 watt light in the middle of this tent. We have the two seeds in smaller containers off to the side not in the direct light. We thought the nutrient schedule on the box was to be started right away so we calculated what need to be added per gallon of water. Each plant took about a gallon of water and a full blast of nutrients right away. We did that for two waterings in a row until we realized or were told that we were suppose to ease the nutrients into it and be on the full strength schedule until week 4. In addition to that we didn't have a humidifier in there for about 3 weeks and it was about 80 degrees with the fan on and really dry. We were told that could be our problem as well. since then we haven't added nutrients and have flushed the plants with ph water - 6.0-6.2. The plants are still growing but half the leaves with have a really light greenish color and the other will be darker. Some of the leaves look like they are wilting. Some of the leaves are dead. Oh also important would be that we have them on a 24 hour light cycle.

Been told it can be
- over/under watering
- The soil being a high ph and we need to check the ph of the water that comes out of the bottom and adjust from there.
-Way to dry - but still not sure where it should be at
- added the nutrients to fast and to strong

Since we have been told all this we have not added any more nutrients and have flushed the plants like I've said. We have one humidifier on full blast and another on low. A fan on 24.7 on low power rotating. The plants are about 32 inches from the light. I also mist the plants in the mooring and at night.

Please any advice on if are plants are ruined or if the can be saved. Everyone keeps telling us what we did wrong but no one is telling us how to fix it. Please any and all advice is appreciated.

Thank you from first time growers.
I like to start plants in small containers- 1 liter or less. It's a problem if they're overwatered in larger containers as they take forever to dry out. You didn't say what size yours are in, but if they are in large containers they will be very overwatered by now with all the flushing. If so- personally I would transplant them into new soil in 1/2 liter cups and just keep them barely moist until they build a root system. They barely go through any water in the early days. Everyone is going to tell you to upload pictures. Here some help with that.

Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

And with lots of other questions- How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

Sorry dont know how to rotate that last pic. Will take new ones tomorrow of the following day.
Honestly Newbie they don't look that bad stop watering them and let soil dry out, this will take some time so be patient. What type of lighting are you using? HID Metal Halide bulb in your fixture which is for the vegetative stage of growth used on a timer with it on for 18 hours then off for 6 hours a day / and an HID High Pressure Sodium bulb for the flowering stage of growth on a timer with 12 hours of light and 12 hours off. Or are you using LED lighting?
If you took pics on phone, just edit the photo in some way before downloading to site. I don't know why but this stops it downloading sideways...
Oh I see... They're quite large already. I was picturing seedlings. Overwatering shouldn't be a huge concern at this stage then, as long as you make sure to let them dry out a bit between waterings- ie don't keep them soaked. They look pretty good. I can see effects of some overfeeding on a couple of them. And possibly a little underfeeding (?) on a couple others. It's possible that you have a mix of both issues there. I'm not a real deficiency expert myself.
I think you're not too terribly off track if you just keep reading up on the basics- like
- how to water
- how to feed
- temp, humidity
- when to transplant
- how to manage ph
- and paying attention to what your plants say. Lots of info in that link I gave you.
That vague sounding but true advice is probably the best I can do for now. Maybe someone who can call deficiency signs better than I can will wander in and can give you a plant by plant analysis. VillageIdiot comes to mind. I'm not so sure it's necessary though. It's just about keeping within the safe ranges of those factors I mentioned.
Honestly Newbie they don't look that bad stop watering them and let soil dry out, this will take some time so be patient. What type of lighting are you using? HID Metal Halide bulb in your fixture which is for the vegetative stage of growth used on a timer with it on for 18 hours then off for 6 hours a day / and an HID High Pressure Sodium bulb for the flowering stage of growth on a timer with 12 hours of light and 12 hours off. Or are you using LED lighting?

The light right now is a 1000 watt Metal Halide ... and when would the best time to switch the light cycle?
I got a PM asking me to come take a look at this. So I would start by saying I think your advice from here is much better than the advice you were getting. A lot of what you posted in the first post was not very good stuff.

I am going to put a chart down below that was made for hydro but a lot of it works for soil grows. Like the temps and humidity. It is just good info.

As to you pics. there is what may be some decent over watering there or maybe that is due to a flush so I agree to be patient for a bit. I looked into cyco for a bit and decided not to use it. It is fairly spendy and when it comes down to it they are all basically the same it is about understanding the plants needs and responding to it.

Bad leaves wont recover. In general leaves grow once and done so if there is a deficiency when it is forming then it is done in that area.

Make sure to add some Cal / Mag supplement to the mix. once every 2 weeks is fine if done correctly. You may have a pH issue at this point so let it dry out fully as stated and water properly. Letting the pot dry out will stimulate root growth developing a larger more robust root system generating faster more vigorous growth.

I don't use pH UP products. Instead I use a Silica supplement that all growers should be using. it is so alkaline that it can be used instead an then you get a little in all the time. Those products will typically have Potash mixed in which is where potassium comes from so you are getting some of that too with that product.

I am much more concerned however about the soil blend you are using. People don't make a proper soil blend and then have all sorts of issues because they set themselves up for failure. Post what you did for making up the soil. A decent soil blend requires no nutes throughout Veg at all. Advanced growers know how to get away without adding nutes during the entire grow by using a proper compost at the bottom of the pot that is constantly breaking down stuff into usable nutes and minerals. We are not ready to do that with you but just as a reference you should be able to make it to bloom with almost no nutes.

I would be interested in the pH and PPM of the run off at this point. Make sure when you water you are getting 10-15% run off that goes away. Place some blocks under the pot so the pot is elevated from the drip pan so the run off goes away. Given that you putt too much in too early and then flushed you could be anywhere from still too toxic to over soaked with pH problems to smack dab right on.

Okay all that said lets talk a little about photosynthesis and nutes. Nutes re not food for the plant. they only work in a supporting capacity. they help the plant convert the sugars generated by photosynthesis into different things around the plant. SO the reason nute concentration varies throughout the grow is because the number and activity of fan leaves is constantly changing. as you go through Veg and more solar panels are built the amount of nutes needs to go up with it. At some point in late bloom the fan leaves stop really working and the nute concentration needs to fall off fast to avoid burn and having too much residual in the plant at harvest time. Technically depending if the environment were nice (good humidity and temps) then you could predict the nute levels by the amount of vegetation and if you scrog a plant and make it huge it will need more.

The bottles do not have enough space on them to show what the concentration should be for all kinds of grows...or stressed out grows... or grows that have had some major problems. The labels depict what the concentration should be in a perfect grow at peak performance usually. Some bottles will show a range stating Early growth and such but generally they have one concentration. So it is up to you to consider the age and health of the plant and the growing conditions and where on that line they should land.

You might want to start a journal and then we can walk you through this first grow and get you to the finish line.


Hi newbie the time to flip from MH 18/6 to HPS 12?12 is really up to you and how long you want them to vegetate for. The longer they veg for the larger the root system will be and the yield increases as well. Two months is considered by some to be a long veg time, as it comes down to efficient recourse management, electricity and nute's as well as your time, and how high you can raise your lights.= The available growing space height-wise that is. keep in mind that your plants will stretch upwards quite a bit, mine went from 18 inches to 30 inches in 4 weeks on HPS at 12/12 they are mostly Indica dominant hybrids which stretch the least. So if you have a Sativa dominant strain for example they will stretch much more than mine did, keep this in mind as you decide when the best time for you to flip to HPS 12/12. :thumb:
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