Please help


Active Member
I have 2 plants that sprouted in a 1.5 grodan grow cube the fell over overnight so I put them in cups with performance organic maricle grow to hold it up theres added perlite pretty sure there is to much perlite. I bought some fox farm ocean forest soil should I move them to the fox farm soil now or. My last plant died overnight as well around this time


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My vision is poor, but it'd be difficult for anyone to make out details in a picture the size of a postage stamp. Can you upload the full-sized image to your gallery and insert it from there? See this thread if you need help figuring that out:

I cannot speak for Miracle Grow soil (Re: perlite percentage), but I mix the Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil you mentioned to 75% FFOF / 25% perlite (and some will up that to 33%). Maybe that will help you determine whether you have too much perlite in your current soil, IDK.

When a seedling falls over, it's most often (nearly always, I'd guess) due to insufficient light.
My life has both veg and Bloom switches and last night I did put both of them on and the light was so pretty close so I don't know but I transplanted them into some of the foxfarm ocean forest soil but the Gordon grow Cube was still wet I don't know if I should water the foxfarm soil or just wait till the cube to dry up a lil bit
You can leave both switches on if you want, i personally just go with the veg switch on for a bit, however i would raise the light to at least 24 inches above the seedlings. :goodluck:
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