Please I need help with SSDI


New Member
I have been told I need back surgery due to 3 badly bulged disks 2 have nerve compression and one with stenosis. I need info of weather or not I qualify. I have called several agencies and it seems they are in it for the money. Which is something I do not have right now. My back is not the only thing wrong with me, I am bone on bone in both knees, I have a ripped right bicep and severe anxiety. And now the whole back thing. I am desperate for info from anyone who could help. I was told by a couple of the agencies that without surgery it is hard to get ssdi. If anyone has info PLEASE!!!! help.
Get a lawyer. %90 of all SSDI claims are denied the first time. On average it takes up to 24 months and an appeal of the first denial of your claim. They count on people letting it be after they are denied. SSDI is a total pain in the ass to get. Most, but not all cases that are won after an appeal, get back pay to your original file date.

Good Luck,
Thanks willyB, Thats pretty much what I have heard. I have talked to a place called allsup. They're a lot cheaper than a lawyer and have helped a couple of friends of mine get there ssdi. One of them got theirs in under 3 months but he was a lot worse than I am. I am a union drywall finisher and with the shape I am in I cannot go back too it.
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