Police uncover Marijuana, Mushroom Operation


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Three men face charges after authorities said they found a marijuana and hallucinogenic mushroom growing operation Monday in the 2300 block of State Street. Acting on a tip from a man who was hoping to lessen his charges, La Crosse police arrested Zachary T. Flatley, 20, Monday afternoon outside a North Side restaurant.

Police then searched Flatley's home, where they said they found 100 grams of psilocybin mushrooms, seven pounds of marijuana and 15 bottles of hashish oil, said Assistant District Attorney Julie Nelson. Police also arrested Flatley's roommates, Jordan W. Teele, 19, and Brandon Whytsell, 21. The men were released on signature bonds and are expected to be charged Thursday, Nelson said. Yet one more reason to never trust anyone. Playing show and tell always ends up on a sour note.

Newshawk: Freaktan - 420Times.com
Source: The LaCrosse Tribune
Copyright: 2005 The LaCrosse Tribune
Contact: dspringer@lacrossetribune.com.
Website:Police uncover marijuana, mushroom operation
Author: Dan Springer
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