POLL: "Bong Hits" Decision a Hazy Mistake

"Bong Hits 4 Jesus" Does Free Speech Need Limits

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 11.0%
  • No

    Votes: 90 82.6%
  • Other/Undecided

    Votes: 7 6.4%

  • Total voters
There should be no limits by our government to free speech. However, everybody should be responsible for what they express. One must take into consideration the ramifications of what they communicate. For example, rumors can hurt good people, protest can incite a riot, and our news media and tabloids (close cousins) put out stories that boost ratings while distorting the truth. I and those who are reading my words must consider the effect of what and how we express our ideas. Yes, our freedom of speech laws can be a real pain in the ass, but I would risk my life to preserve such laws.
First, let me welcome you to 420, slamitdown. Next I have a question or two for you. How can people be held responsible for what they express and have no limits by our government to free speech? Doesn't your freedom of speech end when the government begins to imagine what might be the ramifications of you speaking freely? I believe freedom of speech should always be protected; what action is inspired by that freedom of speech is what should be judged. And that only when it effects someone else's freedom/safety. :peace:
Jimmy Carter has recently been soundly trashed in the media for conversing with members of Hezbollah and Hamas.How are we supposed to achieve any kind of compromise if our leaders continue to refuse to even listen to the grievances from both sides?Why bring this up here?Because the people that support the drug war do so with no knowlege of the reasons behind the laws and no real idea of what the issues really are.They consistently refuse to take to account the reality of the racist and unscientific and out right wrong nature of current drug legislation and the harm it's doing around the world.All drugs with all their drawbacks combined couldn't do near the harm that the drug war does to people and families around the world.Executing a person for drug dealing is only carried out among the poor.The real culprits in government and the armies in these country's work with impunity.Officials only listen to those that agree with them and refuse to have any dialogue with those of a different view.
.Executing a person for drug dealing is only carried out among the poor.The real culprits in government and the armies in these country's work with impunity. Officials only listen to those that agree with them and refuse to have any dialogue with those of a different view.

Officials in poor countries listen to who has the dollars. Corruption is endemic and despite the best efforts of western nations, the culture of baksheesh will continue to be an impediment to change.
This suject is a slippery slope. Free speech is paraded by people until "Bong hits for Jesus" shows up in thier back yard. Then it's free as long as it's what people wanna hear.

Shit, Bill Maher just apologised for telling people the truth, the Pope was a hitler youth, a Nazi. People were calling for a ban on HBO. For someone telling the truth.

See how sick we are? We have a long way to go.
christ I'm worried about our gov. That's the supreme court these days? They sound like a bunch of kids fighting over WHO'S right, not WHAT'S right.
It really doesn't matter who's right or what is right. I should have the freedom to do whatever I please as long as I am not harming others.
Webster's defines harmful: of a kind likely to be damaging
If I am not hindering others' rights to do what they please, harm their health or property, then I should have the freedom to do as I please.
Do I harm your mental health when I smoke a bowl in my home?
Nah but I'm thinking like KKK rallies. I'm just playing devils advocate. I've thought this over many a time in my own head and I just keep going in circles. I'm totally in support though man, I just want my own damn little farm, in wooded mountains, where I'm only bothered when I want to be.
I don't know where harmful begins but it's certainly not at the end of a joint.The prohibition of marijuana is the mistake that has the whole justice system in disrepute.I defy anyone to show me where marijuana has done any harm.Anyone that thinks they're f'ed up on pot needs a vacation.If marijuana's a problem the person needs some serious help and it has nothing to do with the smoke.People can have problems with anything.Are we going to ban video games and computers too?How many studies do we have to have before people stop trotting out these old,tired objections.
I'm just playing devils advocate.
That is cool. Everyone needs to be challenged to know what they believe. Go on, poke a few sleeping bears. They need to get up!:rollit:
I can't believe this is even an issue in 2008.I smoked my first joint in the sixties and my generation was supposed to end this stupid drug war.Now I find some of the guys I used to smoke with are the worst drug war supporters in the bunch.They all turned out alright ,I just don't get it.I guess they don't trust their kids.It just beats the hell outta me.
I can't believe this is even an issue in 2008.I smoked my first joint in the sixties and my generation was supposed to end this stupid drug war.

I hear that shit man! +Rep

I wasn't their personally, minor age problem.
If anyone thinks they have rights in America they should rethink it, the cops can come into home anytime they want if they really wanted to, free speech doesnt exist if it is against the religious right or if it is not politically correct. you either play societies' game or you end up on the streets or in prison. But maybe one day people will realize we don't have to live this way. I dunno the kid was pretty stupid lol shoulda thought this one over a little bit more, I kinda wanna wear a Bong Hits 4 Jesus shirt now.
Yeah...I agree. We don't have freedom b/c we have to live by societies game to survive here. It doesn't have to be this way. I believe one voice does make a difference. We just gotta be able to have that voice.:peace::rollit:
Recent poll says 53% of Canadians want marijuana legalized.I was really bad at math but I think that means we should win?So much for democracy.
cannabis is actually by nature a non-violence promoter and that alone should make it legal.

I'll tell you something I saw on the military channel today that made me both laugh and sick to my stomach at the same time;
They were showing a SWAT team that had been out all day busting into people's houses and hauling them away on drug charges. Then they showed those same cops at the end of the day all gathered in a bar getting drunk and celebrating their deeds over beer and shots of liquor.
I couldn't help but see the irony in that and thinking to my self that those same self righteous son of a bitches were all going to be getting in their cars and breaking the law by driving home drunk.
Seeing that just made me want to puke!!! All that show did was galvanize my hatred for caps even more.
I just wanted to jump through the TV and smash those beer bottles against their heads and say to them; HOW DARE YOU!!! Calling them selves upholding the law during the day then turning around and breaking it the same night.
What a crock of shit!!!
Wait till you have to sit in one of their lock ups for being in the wrong place,etc.Then you get a real burn going.Thankfully,I'm beyond that now.I just want to end this stupid drug war as soon as possible.
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