Possible mold


420 Member
This is my first grow so I’m not positive but I think my bud may have mold. The bud smells a little off, kind of an earthy smell. The bud also looks like it has a bunch of little white hairs that aren’t trichomes. Not sure if there’s anyway to tell from the photos I took. I’m hoping it just smells off because it’s not cured yet. I jarred the plants a few days ago after drying. Any thoughts?


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Here’s a few more pics


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mold turns the flower brown so you see fresh flower with brown buds take a close look with a loop or microscope.

If that is harvested weed it was there when you harvested. Best practice is to bud wash to kill pathogens so they dont keep growing. Beleive it or not submerging in water will kill the mold.
Yeah I’ve been looking at the buds through a 30X lens I have but I can’t say definitively if there’s mold or not. The main reason I thought there might be mold was because of the smell. The buds themselves looked good to me but at this point I’m not able to confIdently identity mold. I was hoping it was just paranoia. The smell seems like it could be a mildew type smell though. If it’s mold FML.
You should be able to see thin strands like white very thin spider web looking stuff and it lays directly on the surface where the trichomes are. It kills the plant material it contacts and pretty quick too. Turns green to a rusty brown how I identify it on the plants when in flower. See a spot with brown start separating flowers you will find it with the naked eye. Cut it out pronto. Wash tools and hands ASAP dont touch anything until you do.

High night time humidity like 85% RH will do it that and wet plants and cool nights.

Some plants are hardy enough to fight it off.

You can treat your plants for it early before flower onset with Green Cure or Safers garden fungicide (sulfur), and indoors I use a sulfur evaporator in VEG and early flower. That is good enough.
Yeah I’ve been looking at the buds through a 30X lens I have but I can’t say definitively if there’s mold or not. The main reason I thought there might be mold was because of the smell. The buds themselves looked good to me but at this point I’m not able to confIdently identity mold. I was hoping it was just paranoia. The smell seems like it could be a mildew type smell though. If it’s mold FML.

Looking under the loupe, the mold will appear webby
Powdery mildew isnt harmful - mold is. The stuff sprayed for PM is much worse for ingestion and what the labs test for.

Use common sense your crop covered well its no good. A little here had there bud wash and gone. PM like fan leaves anyway aint puffing them.
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