Pot Crack Down

Jacob Bell

New Member
The federal government has launched "Operation Mercury" which trumps state law in a new effort to eradicate an out of control marijuana problem in areas such as Squaw Valley.

Since a Supreme Court ruling in 2010 that permits the growth of marijuana fields for medicinal purposes, groves have become rampant in mountain communities like Squaw Valley where many residents are frustrated and fear for their safety.

"People are moving to Squaw Valley from all over the country with the sole purpose of growing marijuana. Some are living with relatives there. It is changing the dynamics of the area. Many residents are complaining about the workers, the smell, and the possibility of being robbed. It's having a negative impact on the quality of life in Squaw Valley," Fresno County Sheriff's Department Sergeant Gregg Collins, said.

This year alone in Fresno County, 116 marijuana groves have been identified by the Fresno County Sheriff's Department via aerial photographs, and half are located in Squaw Valley, according to Collins. Many residents speculate that far more fields exist that are hidden from view. Collins said the increase in marijuana fields is not only impacting local residents, but is also depleting the limited resources of the sheriff's department.

"We have had tons of complaints from citizens who live next door to marijuana groves. It's frustrating," Collins said.

Within the past two years, Collins said the biggest concern from local residents has been the depreciation of their property value. Many Squaw Valley residents have made quite an investment in their home and acreage, and for some it is a second vacation home.

"The property owners are losing money while the growers are making money. It's polluting the entire community in the process," Collins said.

Since a majority of marijuana growers are armed, most Squaw Valley residents are reluctant to speak up for fear of retaliation. One long-time resident said he can spot at least two marijuana groves from his kitchen window, and noted six major pot farms within a two-mile radius of his home. He is afraid to go on vacation for fear of being robbed. He said his property value has "tanked" in recent years.

Many Squaw Valley homeowners were eager to attend a recent meeting spearheaded by the Fresno County Sheriff's Department to announce the commencement of "Operation Mercury." The meeting was held at the Bear Mountain Library in Squaw Valley. So far, the new federal campaign has resulted in the destruction of 34 local marijuana fields and one arrest.

The Squaw Valley meeting was well-attended by those on both sides of the issue, including residents who are fed up and growers who say they have the right to grow marijuana for "medicinal purposes" according to state law. Also on-hand for the presentation were representatives from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration ( DEA ) and an attorney representing a handful of marijuana growers.

Marijuana fields have multiplied tenfold since January, 2010, when the California Supreme Court lifted all bans on Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. Under state law, medical marijuana users with a valid doctors recommendation may grow and possess as much marijuana as they require, provided that it is strictly for personal use. However, it is considered a felony under federal law which still prohibits the cultivation and possession of marijuana.

Over the past couple of years, marijuana fields have become rampant in California, particularly in the nearby foothills. The problem has become so out of control that the federal government has been forced to step in and supersede state law. At the start of 2012, the federal government launched Operation Mercury, named after the Roman messenger god. It is designed to send a clear message to marijuana growers in a six-county area, including Fresno County, that marijuana will no longer be tolerated.

"The marijuana fields are all over the place. We are hoping that the public will realize that they will not be warned every year. This is the year of education. If they start up a field next year, we will simply show up and make arrests. This is a transitional year," Collins said.

"Two years ago, it started getting bad. They have pushed it farther and father and last season it came to a peak. It doesn't matter if growers posses a medical marijuana card. That doesn't mean they can plant 200 marijuana plants in their backyard or on their property. It's unacceptable. That's not what the law was intended for," he added.

Under Operation Mercury, when the sheriff's department is notified of a marijuana field, growers will be issued a letter stating that they have two weeks to destroy their marijuana fields and clear out or face consequences. If the grower fails to comply, they could face forfeiture of their property and criminal or civil penalties.

"They can no longer hide behind the shield of the medical marijuana law. The President sent his scientists out and determined that it is a 'schedule one" drug which has no medicinal value. They have no reason to possess it, whether it's heroine or marijuana," Collins said.

Most growers believe that if they possess a medical marijuana card, that they are exempt. However, Collins said a medical marijuana card is not a prescription, but simply a "recommendation" from a doctor and is useless when it comes to Operation Mercury. He said only a handful of doctors are in the business of writing these recommendations which come with a high price tag.

"It doesn't matter if they fight it at the state level. It's a violation of federal law and county ordinance," Collins said. "We are hoping to get as many fields as early as we can and let growers know right up front that they can't do this anymore. We are educating them early to save everyone grief."

The overpopulation of marijuana fields is not only frustrating to local residents, but Collins said many neighboring states are "sick and tired of California polluting" their territory by the exportation of marijuana to other states.

Since 2010, the number of marijuana fields growing in California has grown exponentially, according to DEA representative John Donnelly. Most of what is grown in California is not consumed here, but is instead trafficked across the United States and the border. Donnelly said Operation Mercury is designed to let growers know that marijuana remains illegal under federal law.

"There's no wiggle room," he said.

In 2009, Donnelly said 7.5 million marijuana plants were seized in California alone, more than all the other 49 states combined.

"There can't be that many sick people. It's a big issue here and we are hoping to change that behavior a little. The idea that we will prevent it all is not likely, but we are hoping to send a clear message," he said.


Source: Exponent, The (Reedly, CA)
Copyright: 2012 The Reedley Exponent
Contact: The Reedley Exponent > Forms > Letters
Website: The Reedley Exponent > Front
Details: MapInc
Note: Published Thursdays
Author: Jodie Reyna
When ever and where ever Cannabis becomes 'more' legal violent crime drops.
Who doesn't want violent crime to go down ?
....answer that and you name an enemy of legalization.
The populace seems to be decrying the downturn in property values. My question is, considering the downturn of property values in most locals in the US due to the real estate meltdown, how much of the decline in property values is due to the neighborhood growers and how much is of state or national economic issues. For example, I have evaluated property in Reno, NV that is selling for $103K now but in 2006 sold for $320K, is that due to growers or economic conditions, clearly the later. There are a multitude of locations in the US that have suffered declines in real estate values. Based on my research, I suspect a small portion of the decline the reidents elude to is because of growers but like major portions of California, "its the economy stupid". A list of some of the worst real estate declines cities in California is Stockton, Modesto, Vallejo-Fairfield, Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, Bakersfield-Delano, Fresno, Visalia-Porterville, Sacramento and Salinas. It is handy to find a boogieman that the decline can be attributed to, however, even a 10 minute Internet search reveals the true elephant in the room. Sadly, people dream of times 20 years ago and when the situation changes they look for scapegoats rather than causes and solutions for those causes. Will the eradication of all grows in Squaw Valley restore real estate values? Only an economic and naive fool would believe so.
When ever and where ever Cannabis becomes 'more' legal violent crime drops.
Who doesn't want violent crime to go down ?
....answer that and you name an enemy of legalization.
Judges lawyers, and police. Out in a town called Kemp in Texas they just lost their police department. Only two problems since. Quiet a few growers from the old school out that way as well.
The idea that there are not that many sick people who could use cannabis medicinally doesn't take into account the thousands of people on chemotherapy, having MS, glaucoma, arthritis, degenerative diseases causing chronic pain, etc.. There are a lot of sick people out there. Many do not have insurance, so can't afford pharmacueticals.
How sad...... Operation Mercury.Even the name is a slap in the face.I can't understand how "they" keep chasing after the growers and Meth is still rampant. What a mess. I'm pushing 60 and have seen weed go from a small crowd in high school to what we see today.. Well its better than it was but there is still along way to go. Hey and as far as growers lowering there property value, I bet there are plenty of growers that would love to buy there summer homes for a descent price. What propaganda!!! Well i guess That hasn't changed...
"They can no longer hide behind the shield of the medical marijuana law. The President sent his scientists out and determined that it is a 'schedule one" drug which has no medicinal value. They have no reason to possess it, whether it's heroine or marijuana," Collins said.

So let me get this straight. The President of the U.S. sent his "scientists" out and found out that cannabis wasn't medicinal. If that's the case, then why did the FDA approve Marinol which is 100% synthetic THC and is a Schedule 3? The reason is because the pharmaceutical industry has to take care of their share holders at the expense of the health of the same people the government is supposed to be protecting. The DEA and other federal officials do nothing about a compound which supposedly has no medicinal value and is ok to be prescribed by a Dr. Here's the icing on the cake. Bupropion is a Schedule 3 anti-depressant. It's a substituted cathinone. Cathinone is the active compound in Catha Edulis (Khat). This plant is also a Schedule 1 along with the compound. I smell something very corrupt in the air...
That article is hillarious! The author blames the weed growers for falling property prices!!! LOL!!! Are they completely in the dark that the rest of the Country has falling property prices too!! It is funny how the media paints pot users. Operation Mercury! HA!! Local residents live in fear!! LOL!! Limited resourses of the Sheriffs Department!! LOL!! The weed growers are giving to the economy. They spend money, they don't take money like Government in the form of Taxes! Local business thrive because of the weed growers. True locals probably welcome them. Truth is, property values are higher becuause of the increase in Freedom to do what you want on your own property! That is worth a lot of money. :peace:
Gratz ....and your right, the lies and corruption are all around us.
This is not the America I fought for, and it ain't the America I am want to turn over to the grand kids.
We can make it better and its going to take all of us.
Gratz ....and your right, the lies and corruption are all around us.
This is not the America I fought for, and it ain't the America I am want to turn over to the grand kids.
We can make it better and its going to take all of us.

Amen Brother!! We are not alone! In fact most people probably feel the same way we do. Unfortunately they have to keep a tight lip because if they don't they will loose their jobs!

I served for this country also and I too am very concerned about the America we are turning over to our children too. But to me, home is where my family is. If North America gets really bad I can always go even more north. Or even more south. I will always stay in America! God Bless America.

Just think how the average business would operate in an economy that was not hindered by the government. It would be great for mid to small business but bad for the big business's. We would have a real middle class again. Poor California is in deep trouble financially. Yet They go against the voters and arrest the tax paying mmj operations. It just does not make sense.
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