Pot helps with colds?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I was wondering if smoking pot will help me with my cold.
I have been sick for the past two days now. I have been on my couch now for the past two. I have been coughing a lot and just feel like shit and feel weak. I don't want light up and then feel worse. If anyone knows if it will help let me know.
Pot affects everyone differently, but I'd suggest you try a little and see how it feels. If it feels good, try a little more until you get the level of relief you're looking for.

Just this morning, I woke up with a crusher of a muscle-tension headache. I have too much going on today, so I had to get through it somehow. I took my aspirin and an herbal muscle relaxer for starters, then followed it up with 2-3 hits from my VaporGenie. The MMJ kicked in quickly, taking most of the edge off the headache, giving the other meds time to kick in. After about an hour, I was able to get ready and get out the door.

The big downside of MMJ for colds and other ailments is that it only masks the pain, not eliminate the source of the pain. So if you carefully combine your MMJ with your other cold remedies, I bet you'll find that it helps alleviate some of the pain and discomfort. MMJ will spark your appetite as well, so you'll get some energy benefits as well.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
Good advice, b0110ck5... +rep

I always smoked with a cold when I felt like it, but I never forced it since it seems like one's body can tell if it can use the distraction from the symptoms or not.
OKay so I'm back on a computer, I was posting up threads on my cell phone on my couch the whole time.
I smoked some pot yesterday to see if it would help me with my cold. I had been coughing all day and felt weak and light headed. Once I smoked a couple of bowls I felt more relaxed and I did not cough much at all and when I did the pain inside my chest was not as strong. So yes; smoking pot helps with colds. I smoked today and felt great. I watched the "Top 40 Greatest Pranks 2" baked and never giggled (yes "giggled" I did laugh at one prank but then coughed and coughed, so I had to keep it to a soft "giggle") as much in my whole life. Anyways the pot helps I suggest trying it when you guys feel sick.
OKay so I'm back on a computer, I was posting up threads on my cell phone on my couch the whole time.
I smoked some pot yesterday to see if it would help me with my cold. I had been coughing all day and felt weak and light headed. Once I smoked a couple of bowls I felt more relaxed and I did not cough much at all and when I did the pain inside my chest was not as strong. So yes; smoking pot helps with colds. I smoked today and felt great. I watched the "Top 40 Greatest Pranks 2" baked and never giggled (yes "giggled" I did laugh at one prank but then coughed and coughed, so I had to keep it to a soft "giggle") as much in my whole life. Anyways the pot helps I suggest trying it when you guys feel sick.

I read in one of Ed Rosenthal's books (Ask Ed, I believe is the one) that it actually shrinks your nasal cavaties and will help dry out your sinuses. I smoked the last time I had some sniffles & it did help. But, as a PPer mentioned, it seems to be up to the individual.
depending on severity of your cold
it may be better to vaporize than smoke
considering that vapor is healthier

i have pneumonia at the moment and cannot smoke at all
but the vaporizer is working wonders on my lungs
almost feel 100%
I can only speak for myself. I was sick last week with the flu and was coughing so hard I was crying & gasping for breath, the kief candies worked wonders on my throat & got me through work while I had a migraine sinus headache from hell. Fever,scratchy throat,lethargic,stomach issues. I also have year round allergies which means I usually wake up feeling like crap after tossing & turning all night so I can breath. The keif candies help with that as well. The only other thing that I took while sick with the flu was aleve for the fever. I hope you get better soon.
woo hoo!
i always like to smoke a little bit more when im sick
just to keep the positive vibes
rather than sit there feelin like ish.
investing in a volcano vaporizor is your best bet tho.
healthiest way to medicate!!
besides injesting..
hope everyone feels better!!
toke on
OKay so I'm back on a computer, I was posting up threads on my cell phone on my couch the whole time.
I smoked some pot yesterday to see if it would help me with my cold. I had been coughing all day and felt weak and light headed. Once I smoked a couple of bowls I felt more relaxed and I did not cough much at all and when I did the pain inside my chest was not as strong. So yes; smoking pot helps with colds. I smoked today and felt great. I watched the "Top 40 Greatest Pranks 2" baked and never giggled (yes "giggled" I did laugh at one prank but then coughed and coughed, so I had to keep it to a soft "giggle") as much in my whole life. Anyways the pot helps I suggest trying it when you guys feel sick.

I say do it for whatever ails your brother!:thumb:
When I'm smokin Cannabis regularly I don't get colds that take hold. I may sneeze a few times and feel a little funny for a moment, but generally it passes quickly that day and I'm fine. When I don't smoke regularly for months or years I get colds like the people around me.

When I'm around people that are sick I try to take a hit ASAP. Cannabis shows anti-viral properties.

Cannabis Research - Medical Uses - anti-viral/anti-bacterial
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