Potency of Dry Ice Hash


Active Member
Can someone provide me insight as to what to expect for the potency of my Dry Ice Hash? If I had compiled a cannabis profile of the flower, could I expect the Dry Ice Hash collected through a 160 micron pollen bag to be a 100% pure replica of the profile? 80% purity? How much would it be improved if a 73 micron bag was used?
It's hard to put a label on how potent it may be. For me I use all popcorn ( under developed ) and sugar leaves. With that being said, the cola's are more fully developed and probably stonger
Hi King,

I've made it once and saw a buddy do the same process. The 73 micron produced the cleanest hash but what that came thru the 150 was pretty good too. I used bud and got a 26% return but that's based on weight. Hard to measure "stoneyness" - agree with @Dankman_420
Thanks Sloppy, I am kind of looking for someone who might have sent a sample of dry ice hash to a lab like SCLabs.com for the results they got back. I am thinking the Trichomes contain 100% of the Cannabinoids and Terpenes with some residual plant matter which is basically worthless. But what is the percentage good stuff versus plant mater? I am trying to make a healing salve for arthritis using kief and would like to say I have x mg of this or that in it based on known flower results.
I do it until I start seeing very light green. I use a 90 micron. You get ok return in my opinion. I'm saving all of mine in a temperature controlled, dark environment that never sees light. Been in there for over 2 years so far. I add more each harvest. Going to make Afghan hash the old way. Hot plate, elbow grease, and a little water...

It is hard to determine the actual potency by looking at it. It would need to be sent to the lab. If it's for piece of mind, don't waste your money. If it's for a dispensary or medical, it may be necessary.
It can be expensive.

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