Previous leaf problem getting worse please help


New Member
Hey guys so I got this problem a while ago now where my leafs are get this yellow looking colour along with yellow ish spots and the odd brown rust mark on other leaves but mainly the yellow spotting and colour really can't figure out what it us
I am by no means a pro. but the only thing i can tell from the pics is that there may be small little circles on the underside of the leafs that makes it so u can see them from the top. this leads me to belive possible mite issues. have you checked for mites? notice any little crawlies anywhere? any little things that look like webs? maybe try taking her out of the room or turn your lights off and take a pic. for us, it's a little hard to tell what's going on with the hps going.
hopefully this bumps the post so we can get some more experienced eyes on this.
I am by no means a pro. but the only thing i can tell from the pics is that there may be small little circles on the underside of the leafs that makes it so u can see them from the top. this leads me to belive possible mite issues. have you checked for mites? notice any little crawlies anywhere? any little things that look like webs? maybe try taking her out of the room or turn your lights off and take a pic. for us, it's a little hard to tell what's going on with the hps going.
hopefully this bumps the post so we can get some more experienced eyes on this.

my bad I just found your first post and pics. now I kinda think it may be a ph issue. I think it may be that your ph is too low for soil. I may be wrong here but I think I remember seeing a post a while back that mentioned that soil ph should be a little higher?.?. anyways I grow hydro but for some reason I'm thinking it's a Ph issue causing lockout of some micro or elements. like I've said I'm no pro but this is the best guess I have. meanwhile I'll try to find the correct ph range for soil/coco for you.
how do you check you ph just curious? do you test runoff? have you checked the EC of your runoff or even the PPM of your runoff? I ask this because your ph should be fine.

I am by no means talking down in any way but Maybe you not testing ph properly? ok now that's my 2 cents and I'm broke now lol. I'll be waiting to see if yourself or a more experienced grower chimes in. now you got me all curious :high-five:
Flush asap and start fresh your PH must be around 6.5 you can not use tap water as its to high the plant is starting to wrinkle you must lower the PH first check your pet store for a ph tester and PH down for the fish tanks after you'll be rocking as for the yellowing its lacking N its time to feed what are you using for nutrients ???? your doing good ones the plant bounces back its going to be nice grow its hard to see the plant as your HPS is making it hard to see the yellowing
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