Problem with 1st time DWC - Need reassurance


New Member
Hello, this is my first time growin in dwc. I dont know my ph or ppm but ive read that some first time growers never used them for first grows. I just recently transplanted from siol to hydroton in dwc on 10/21/2012 but she has not grown since and the roots have turned light brown. I dont know if its from nutes or if its root rot. I am using botanicare at 1/4 strength in a 5 gallon bucket with 2 air stones. She the only seedling I have so I really hope she pulls through. I did uproot just to see if she was growing any new roots and to my suprise she had so this gives me some hope. She is under 4 four ft 32 watt flourescant lights. like i said maybe i just need reassurance but any advice is greatly appreciated.
Re: problem with 1st time DWC. Need reasurance.

Get that thing into a rockwool cube. just twirl the roots in one direction befoe you try to put it in the plug. Dont try to push it straight in. roll it in. It wouldn't hurt to even put some Superthrive or some b-vitamin type product. Soak the rockwool in a solution with either of those thing in it. 1 drop of super thrive should do it.

Thats what I would do.
Re: Problem with 1st time DWC. Need reasurance.

Hey Mike -

Honestly, it isn't ideal/good idea to transplant from soil to DWC, and you absolutely should be checking your PH in DWC in my opinion.

You may be way off, and how will you know? You are asking for problems without doing so. Now, if you were very experienced and could adapt you might be able get by without doing so, but you'll have a lot of headaches otherwise. Also, you should try to limit handling it at all. Newcs had some good advice, you could also just very carefully bury it in the hydroton and hope for the best. I'd consider dipping that in a very mild h2o2 solution first, then water it with bottled drinking water and a drop or two of some super-thrive mixed in. I'd very much recommend a PH meter or testing strips at a minimum, personally, once you get the seedling saved. Hope it makes it for you! :goodluck:

There is a good link in my signature with a lot of great info on growing - read up as much as you can to give yourself the best chance of success. :)
I had problems just like you.. Are u watering from the top at all. Get ph meter or drips there 20$ invert or ur outcome will be worthless in dwc. I would make a smaller system in like a small dear garbage can with 1 1/2 gallons of water n make ur own lid out of thick cardboard or would n get a pot 4 in or bigger make sure your plant roots are cleaned off and very well n lightly try n maneuver then vertical with the stem... Gently put the Roos through the bottom of the net pot and n get something like like oasis cubes or something like that I don't remember the products name but the little 2x2 cubes that are like styrofoam. Put four of the securing the plant the your medium. Not the plant is little so it might not be taller then the bucket so u only add a little at a time until its full enough.. Take the cubes out when u add second layer there just for beginning support. Rip up a old black shirt n wrap it around the outside to black top holes of net pot n put rubber band around to hold it until u add more medium to cover holes.. Add clean ph 6.0 water with do not add nutes yet let recover then add 1/4 strength then 1/2 the 3/4 don't add full... Use about 2 tsp of 3% peroxicde h2o2 n mix good add peroxicde once a week if that only add if needed n in beginning of water change.. Make sure u hand water or get drip feed every single day the stem wants some water to... Ill send a pic of my mini set up I use before I put them in 5 gallon bucket of you want a few
If you cant get a ph meter right away you might want to put it back into soil and grow it that way until you can get one.After you get a meter you can take a clone a go back into dwc.IMO ph test strips/liquid tests are hard to read.3 different readings in 3 different light sorces in my experience.Starting with those is a step in the right direction.Remember that when you do get a meter that you get what you pay for and cheap ones are very inaccurate.

The soil will act as a good buffer for your seedling and should be the first step for a new grower.

I would personally chuck that seedling and start over it will probably be stunted its whole life and is already stressed.

This is just my opinion and I hope it helps:) Solo
I have the generals hydroponics ph kit which is just a little tube you fill half way with water and then add 3 to 5 drops of the ph stuff and BAM a color appears and then u read the chart to find your ph I been doing that my hole dwc grow and works fine... If u think the color changes in different light which it does it sometimes appears darker or lighter depending what type light hits it, but just put something white behind it or computer paper and as long as your not right next to your hids so you can read it u will be fine they are very accurate just the people using them have bad judgement...
No I do not have bad "judgment"..I was trying to help and giving him my opinion.I have used the gh liquid test for years and just recently changed to a bluelab ph pen that is great.I did a side by side experiment using the calibrated pen and the liquid test kit and determined that even though the liquid test was yellow which is 6 ph.I used 3 little tubes and they were all the same shade in 3 different lights.6500k 4000 k and sunlight.I mixed them in separate containers and when I used the ph pen I got readings from 5.8 to 6.3. so the only bad judgment is someone judging someone else...

I have had lots of success with the liquid gh test kit and from "my" experience it is a lot easier to determine the correct ph of a nutrient solution is with a properly calibrated quality ph pen:)

I was hinting at not buying a cheap ph pen,not that a liquid,paper test would not work.

Testing my ph in the light of my h.i.d's :):):)lol
No I do not have bad "judgment"..I was trying to help and giving him my opinion.I have used the gh liquid test for years and just recently changed to a bluelab ph pen that is great.I did a side by side experiment using the calibrated pen and the liquid test kit and determined that even though the liquid test was yellow which is 6 ph.I used 3 little tubes and they were all the same shade in 3 different lights.6500k 4000 k and sunlight.I mixed them in separate containers and when I used the ph pen I got readings from 5.8 to 6.3. so the only bad judgment is someone judging someone else...

I have had lots of success with the liquid gh test kit and from "my" experience it is a lot easier to determine the correct ph of a nutrient solution is with a properly calibrated quality ph pen:)

I was hinting at not buying a cheap ph pen,not that a liquid,paper test would not work.

Testing my ph in the light of my h.i.d's :):):)lol

I said people homie no u.. Calm down there super troop.. An go ahead check your ph how ever u want to I was just saying people judge there ph wrong because of the hids or lighting changes the effect as I agreed with you.. Read the message to the fullest instead of thinking someone is coming at u side ways I said people not u so read first then re read again before u start taking offense to stuff bud
I said people homie no u.. Calm down there super troop.. An go ahead check your ph how ever u want to I was just saying people judge there ph wrong because of the hids or lighting changes the effect as I agreed with you.. Read the message to the fullest instead of thinking someone is coming at u side ways I said people not u so read first then re read again before u start taking offense to stuff bud

The best way is to check and check again anyway and I use both to be sure.I have read and read again before I made a comment.I don't want any problems with anybody but I believe you were directing your comment at me.Oh well I guess,no harm done.You calling me names though only makes me wish you were my neighbor.I am referring to "super troop" unless of coarse that you were referring that comment to other "people" also.

Either way if you can read those liquid test with accuracy then good for you,I just find it hard to tell the difference between 5.8 and 6.2 and so on and that is why I use both now.Electric pen to give me a reading and the liquid to back it up.

Further I have no reason to think people are coming at me sideways and I understand the difference between someone trying to be helpful and a internet tough guy.Thanks for straitening that out for me kushmaster and have a good day:) SOLO
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