Problems - Problems - Why - Why?

Just wanted to say Thanks OldMed. That's some great info. I Don't know to much about this but that's exactly what is happening to the plant. I did what you said and it seems to be working.
Thanks Again:thumb:
Better check for broad mites or russet mites . The symptom's are exactly the same as a nitrogen burn, For your sake hope it's chemo burn.
Yeah I think you are right. Ever since I seen your post I been reading up on these nasty mo fo's. I was also looking at photos of plants with this infestation and looks exactly like what I got.:yikes::yikes: Not really worried about the one in my photo, that is history but I have others showing the same symptoms. They are still in veg. Is there anything I can do to kill these Bastards. If you know of anything I would really love to hear your input.
Thanks Alot for letting me know about these frickin Monsters:thumb:
Glazier, I'm very sorry to hear the bad news . This is about the same time of year that I found out . My birthday is tomorrow (22nd, and one of the ladies at the party took a look and informed me that my plants would all be dead in a week. I really didn't believe her). I tried a magnifying glass and saw nothing , a friend came by with a small microscope and there they were munching away on the tricones That day changed the rest of my life . I was no longer a farmer but a mad scientist desperately pouring , mixing , testing and searching for some miracle cure for this invisible bug . From the looks of your leaves you are pretty far along . I thought about tearing them all out and burning them , I decided to save them and did but they were brown , these bugs excrete a hormone that makes them brown. I"ve been growing outdoor in the same spot for years and never even spayed for bugs until last year . So far I haven't been able to kill them off . One of the other posters here has had good luck with a sulfur burn with his indoor plants . Even now I had to argue with every one about the mites , they still kept trying to treat them as a nitrogen burn, until I finally got a regular microscope and everyone could see the bugs you could even see the eggs inside of the leaves . I am now using 11/2 oz. of 35% hydrogen peroxide per gallon mixed with 1 lea spoon of concentrated lemon juice per gallon . We spray every night keeps them nocked down. All we can do until something better comes around . The best thing is to keep the plant healthy, unless a person wants to try a powerful mitecide if you are not a smoker and don't care about anyone that is. .
Hey BigDig Thanks. Sorry for sounding stupid but when you say 11/2 oz.of 35%peroxide what's exactly does that mean. I apologize I'm New at This stuff.
Thanks for the Help man
11/2 ?
No problem
glazier . It means we use stronger peroxide,35% as opposed to 3 .5% . We use 1 & 1/2 oz. peroxide in 1 gallon of water and then add 1 teaspoon of concentrated lemon juice to the gallon . My sprayer holds 9 gallons so we load 14 oz. peroxide per. batch and 9 teaspoons .of lemon juice We make the ice with milk cartons . We stopped using ice because the tricromes are getting too big to get too cold ..
Oh OK, I got ya now. Thanks I'm going to give it a shot. Now about the ice, in your previous post I didn't see anything about ice. So what's up with the ice. Sorry to bug you again (no pun intended) lol.
Thanks Glazier:thumb:
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