Why - Why - Why


New Member
Anyone have any thoughts on Why is this happening to my plants. Started flowering about 3 weeks ago. Now leaves around buds are curling inward and drying out. Got them about 1 foot away from lights. 2 _ 150w hrs. Been feeding bio thrive 10 ml per gallon. Everything was fine until I went to 12/12. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, :hmmmm::hmmmm:
Re: Why,Why,Why

No cal-mag but when I went to flowering stage I started using Soul Bloom. Could the switch from bio-thrive to Soul Bloom have done this
Re: Why,Why,Why

This is my 1 1st grow and everything was going Great till I started flowering. I'm thinkin it had to be the Soul Bloom. Guy gave it to me as a free sample. Should have stuck with the bio-Thrive I guess. At least I got some good Clones off of them.
Thanks Again,
Well I was able to get them outside today and I think it is helping or maybe it's just me. Wishful thinking.
Thanks for the Heads up. I just hope they make it.
I do mist them with straight water once in a while. I can take a closer picture with macro setting on my phone if that might help.
have you been misting or spray pesticide on the leaves , foliar feeding ect , after having a second look i see wet leaves , after zooming in im sure the bud looks to be mouldy ?

seems to be a few things going on

JuanCarlos , its good you give some input also , :thumb:
I appreciate it, but I am just a sideline quarterback bud, no real experience, just what I have read, so I have to step aside for those producing awesome buds and give credit where it's due.
To me it looks like it's starting to seed
I've found if white pistols stop showing and they go a yellow/lime green were pistols should be bud growth has stopped
And seeds start growing.

Some pics with a better forcus would help.
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