Purdue To Team Up On Pot-Detection Device

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Two Purdue University researchers have joined with a northern Indiana biotechnology firm to launch a company to improve marijuana's detection in a person's system.

Intelimmune will focus on developing a more reliable and accurate diagnostic tool for detecting the presence of tetrehydrocannabinol, or THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, the school says in a news release.

Police can use breathalyzers to determine whether a person is above the legal limit for alcohol use, and saliva is used to detect the presence of THC in a person's system, but that test isn't reliable.

Fred Regnier, Purdue's John H. Law Distinguished Professor Analytical Chemistry, will serve as a chief technical officer in the new company, an offshoot of research done at Discovery Park's Bindley Bioscience Center and Purdue's new Center for Analytical Instrumentation Development.

"We look to deliver a proven process that will vastly improve on the present-day test for marijuana," said Jiri Adamec, research assistant professor at Bindley, in a statement.

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Source: IndyStar.com
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Website: Purdue to team up on pot-detection device | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star
Great, so instead of creating scholarships for students with the money they have at Purdue University, they are creating stronger anti-marijuana devices instead. Lets hope the company burns!
I thought the same as you guys at first but their future invention(s) could be a benefit for bud smokers. Maybe it will be like a breathalyzer that can only tell if you smoked ghanj recently and not if you ate it. Or maybe it can only test large amounts so its only effective within an hour to an hour and a half after blazing. You never know this could be a positive step in the right direction

True, I could see this going in a good way. But it's in the governments hands! How good can it go???hahaha

I thought the same as you guys at first but their future invention(s) could be a benefit for bud smokers. Maybe it will be like a breathalyzer that can only tell if you smoked ghanj recently and not if you ate it. Or maybe it can only test large amounts so its only effective within an hour to an hour and a half after blazing. You never know this could be a positive step in the right direction

My Libertarian impulse is to resist any/all testing, because it's none of the government's damn business. However, this would be a major blow to the current system where we get dicked for detectability even if it was 3 weeks ago. Personally, I'm adamantely against drunk or high driving, given a threshold (which isn't zero). This could be the first step towards a rationale check system.

It won't be good but it surely would be less bad?
a test that only is positive for use within 4 hours would be great
think of it no more sneaky search of you last 3-4 weeks of activity
With all of the great things marijuana does and the many Americans it helps through there day these people have nothing better to do. Why don't they work on something that helps people rather than finding a better tool to put more good people in jail?
This bothers me you smoke a joint you get a buzz. Two days later you are in an auto accident and you test positive for THC so it is assumed you are at fault for BEING ON DRUGS! How stupid can that be we all know the major effects wear off after a couple of hours even if the residue stays in your body for weeks. This is unfair to say the least. What if they came up with a test the allowed them to know you drank a beer last week does that mean you should get a DUI three days latter?? Makes as much sense to me.
This bothers me you smoke a joint you get a buzz. Two days later you are in an auto accident and you test positive for THC so it is assumed you are at fault for BEING ON DRUGS! How stupid can that be we all know the major effects wear off after a couple of hours even if the residue stays in your body for weeks.

The test they do now is for the metabolite of THC (THC-COOH), this is the test that is unfair. To my knowledge, presently, only a blood test can reliably show the amount of active THC in someone's system.

My understanding is that active THC is only present for 2-4 hours after use, (much longer for edibles). If this new research results in a test method that will only show active THC - this could be the beginning of the end of driver lifestyle persectution.
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