Pure Craziness by Pure Glass


New Member
I took a little jaunt to the nearest decent head shop with the intentions of getting a vaporizer. Well, I did get what I came for, but also bought myself another little gift ;)

This beauty made by Pure Glass just instantly took my attention the second I walked in. I had never seen a bong quite like this one, and after much deliberation (mostly involving checking my funds), I just had to get it. The most interesting thing about this one is that rather than having a generic removable slide, it has a built in down stem with a diffuser, AND with a perc inside it, and comes out of the base at a 90 degree angle. Then attached to that is a whole nother assembly that includes another inline perc and some crazy looking 90 degree bends. They had a whole bunch of options for adding even more attachments to this beast, and you can essentially keep adding more and more in an "erector set" type fashion (which I plan on doing in the near future). Until then I am enjoying it quite much as is!





I actually just bought an addition to the bong... an ash catcher made by "Name Brand" with a chandelier style perc. The entire setup now is nothing short of epic, and it is near impossible (at least for me) to fill all the chambers and then clear it all in one hit. I took a lil vid of it in action to give an idea.
i like the ashcatcher design, lil too much water in it perhaps. I prefer straight tube for the main pipe instead of the bowl bottom design.
that thing is awesome never seen a built in down stem like that and the hole ashcatcher extension is just ridiculous awesome piece!
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