Stizz1e's Scrog


Well-Known Member
well the lights are in and i have my first clone in the box. I adopted my girls green morphine plant. That will be my first clone, I hope to go to clones to grow tomorrow and get a banana kush clone. Then I am stumped on the third plant to grow. WHCCH has OG Kush, but i'm not sure if i want to grow 2 kush strains. is there much variance between the kush strains?
The green morphine has been under 18/6 for two days now. I'll be transplanting into 5 gallon bucket tomorrow when i get some fox farms dirt. Its in miracle grow at the moment and got a little nute burn. But the new growth is nice and green. I'll post pics when i transplant.
So here are a couple of pics of the green morphine. I have been posting all over the place lately so for people that don't know the background o this clone, i'll fill you in.

I brought this clone home one day for my girlfriend to screw around with. She took the cube it was rooted in and planted it in some miracle grow, and put it on the windowsill of our dinning room window. It sat there for about a week, fighting off nute burn and lack of light until i adopted it.

here it is now, on its third light cycle o 18/6:



it will be transplanted later today when i get some real dirt and its roommates. I dont think i'll be taking the trip to temecula, an hour and a half drive for one clone is ridiculousness. So we'll see what i come back with.:bongrip:
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ok so I got my 2 other clones, both OG Kush, from WHCCH. All three plants are in a 70/30 mix of fox farms ocean forest and organic perlite. I gave all 3 plants a foliar feed with a quarter strength old age kelp.
thanks, im vegging with them then flowering with a 250 watt hps.
hope fully i'll be able to veg for 2 weeks and then flower. I need to find a good blower fan to vent the cabinet soon. Any suggestions? I went to homedepot and no dice. I have an oscillating fan in there and two 3 inch intake holes at the bottom and one 3 inch exhaust hole near the top of the box near a window.
so i need to fix the venting situation in the cabinet asap. came home from class and both OG clones were wilting. the green morphine seems to tolerate the heat better though. Could have sativa genes in it, i dont have any idea of the strain origins.

the photo gallery let me upload 2 more pics so here they are.
here is another pic of the OG#1:

i had just foliar fed before taking the pic.

here is the green morphine in her new bucket:

second pic of the OG#2:

group shot, the OG's are in the back Green Morphine up front:
so i checked on the girls this morning, and 2 of the big fan leaves that were on the OG#2 have fallen off. They were still perfectly green and healthy looking. hopefully it wont be much of a problem there are still a few leaves to make food. I foliar feed this morning to try and help out.
no i'm flowering with a 250 watt hps. I ordered a squirrel fan like Stratlogic used in his grow room. Is a 28 CFM, the room is only 20 cubic feet. Should be ok.
however i'm worried about my OG # 2 it looks like a twig now.

any one think this girl will make it?
I wasnt going to give vegging nutes as i'm not really sure how i would flush them when i cant move the buckets before the flower switch happens. But I my have to now to save this girl.
its age old kelp, I've been spraying them once a day. I only have a half gallon spray bottle, so i've been mixing a 1/4 tspn to the half gallon. But I did that like 3 days ago and have been using the same mix. I shouldn't use the whole 1/2 gallon on one plant should i? I'm using filtered tap water, but i dont have a ph meter. Also i should note that today is only the second day that the OG clones have been in dirt. I dont know if that matters.
pretty sure its the fucking cat. OG#2 was actually out of the ground this morning, and the other two plants had been "topped" now i dont know if this grow is going to make it or not.
on a side note, when i water next how much water do i give a 5 gallon bucket? I gave them a gallon each when i planted them, and the catch plates ended up full of water. I havent watered them since.
thanks, im vegging with them then flowering with a 250 watt hps.
hope fully i'll be able to veg for 2 weeks and then flower. I need to find a good blower fan to vent the cabinet soon. Any suggestions? I went to homedepot and no dice. I have an oscillating fan in there and two 3 inch intake holes at the bottom and one 3 inch exhaust hole near the top of the box near a window.
You don't flower scrogs until at least 40% of the screen has been filled in. This allows the stretch to fill the oother 60% in which gives you a full screen.
Keep your plants away from cat's, or vice versa.
I took my babies out of their box to LST and whatnot, and I didn't know my cat whas in the same room, I turned around for ONE SECOND and he had "topped" one, chewed up a second, and uprooted a third! OK maybe it was more like 20 seconds, lol.
Point is, cat's eat plants of all kinds, it's built into their genes to help improve digestion.
You may want to grow some catnip or pet grass for yer kittie, it's only fair right? You can blaze one while yer kittie indulges in a catnip party.

NEVER have your babies accesible to cats, they will destroy them!

Good luck on your grow:grinjoint:
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