Quantum T5 Badboy

Thanks vapor and bend, I appreciate it. I have a journal on grass city but im going to make one on here...I just got another 8 bulb yesterday and ill post up pics later today...Thanks...

No problem, let us know when you get that journal going so I can jump on..

my little sanctuary. Barneys Violator and LS*


Haha yeah that's for sure...They havent been too much work yet but I am anticipating a lot of work coming up next 2 months lol...+rep Vapor...Are you using t5's right? How has your results been with t5? Ever flowered under them?

Yet is your key word there!

Im on day 36 of my first flower and day 9 from germ on the next batch of my perpetual plan...total NEWB! but learning much here...

I veged under an 8 bulb HO 4 ft and planned on going all the way through...then i had some issues with 4 of 6 ls* seedlings (bone head move on my part) so i started 2 more LS and 2 violator about 18 days in (which caused all kinds of headaches keeping the T5 close to the tops as the original 2 LS had some serious get up and go in their legs....anywho i veged for far to long for the original 2 and knew i would have some penetration issues so I gave in and popped a 600hps over head and slid the 4 ft on its side..then picked up another 8 bulb 2 ft for the other side....this hobby can really get the best of you ...just picked up another 8 bulb 4 ft for the nursery..

looking forward to the end result as well as weening off the codones for some meds that dont make me sick...
Thats what it is all about...Getting off of that pharmie shit that makes you feel horrible... I feel your pain and havent taking anything prescribed in a year...Was prescribed sedatives and such for anxiety, herb is soo much better... Are you a prop 215 patient? Cali? Yeah im hoping to keep everything even on my canopy and veg for a month keep em emall and flower under t5's and wee what happens. Right now there vegging under 8 4' but when they spread out I still have a 4 4' bulb on the sidelines waiting for a go at it... So a total of 12 4' bulbs so far and I might get another 4 or 8 bulb setup... But before flowering I want to get my air filter and fan in place...I need to get something good to get rid of the smell. In flower there gonna reak, they already smell really stinky haha

Any ideas on filter/fans???? I have a total space to use of about 6'x4'x7' with 18 plants...What should I do/get???
Thats what it is all about...Getting off of that pharmie shit that makes you feel horrible... I feel your pain and havent taking anything prescribed in a year...Was prescribed sedatives and such for anxiety, herb is soo much better... Are you a prop 215 patient? Cali? Yeah im hoping to keep everything even on my canopy and veg for a month keep em emall and flower under t5's and wee what happens. Right now there vegging under 8 4' but when they spread out I still have a 4 4' bulb on the sidelines waiting for a go at it... So a total of 12 4' bulbs so far and I might get another 4 or 8 bulb setup... But before flowering I want to get my air filter and fan in place...I need to get something good to get rid of the smell. In flower there gonna reak, they already smell really stinky haha

Any ideas on filter/fans???? I have a total space to use of about 6'x4'x7' with 18 plants...What should I do/get???

No im waiting not so patiently for the vote for my state....i was in a pretty bad car wreck a little over a year ago and have not been able to work since..

18 in a 6x4, man talk about wall to wall... take a look at the can fan filters, maybe Bend or one of the other fine members can add their 2 cents..or start your journal .....
Hey everybody, Sorry about the lapse in time I had to replace my keyboard on the lapper. Broke a key off. It was phucked typing on. I felt like a cat with duct tape on my feet. Sucked. I'm so happy to say that harvest on one plant is close to my liking, and I will chop down soon. Heres a some pics.





What the phuck? I'm stumped too everybody! The lights are the truth! Quantum Quantum Quantum. I wont go back to MH/HPS after this. Anybody interested in some lighting equipment?:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: this deserves 4 thumbs, a ninja kick, and a day off!
I guess we've come a long way from 4' shoplights in a closet ;)

but it's not *just* the lights, you've done a great job on this grow and journal!


This grow, along with Heavy Herb's, leaves no doubt in my mind that t5's can produce like HID.

Is it possible to hang your light vertically?

You can most t5's these days, but I can't find any info on whether the badboy can be or not.
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