Quickdrying your test buds!


New Member
Hey mate, fellow aussie here.. Ur plants look ok tho i think they may be little under developed as opposed to you leaving the fan leaves on her.. Ive heard do/dont trim argument and im for tucking or tying unless they diseased or dead.. I tend to like my girls to grow without much interference from me, kind of a Keep It Simple Stupid thing, i have topped before but usually like to leave her head on and grow vertically, i do manipulate where her branches grow to by tethering but only so the entire branch gets adequate light.. here's one i prepared earlier.. Goodluk and Happy Harvesting;)
My qik dry still takes around 24 hrs.. I trim a bud and peg it onto my clothes horse by the stem upside down, about 3 feet in front of my heater on low, and it dries well and isnt harsh at all.. Or inside brown paper bags ontop of the heater on,low also.. just move it abit my sample both ways at least got me a little stoned... better than nuthin!
When my current plants hit about 1 month into 12/12 I harvested all the bottom buds just leaving the colas to see for myself the change in harvest quantity after the plant has been in shock and recovered. Hoping the energy transfer to the colas will compensate.
All's going well!

This post however is about quickdrying fresh buds to smoke immediately. Tried many different ways from between two slices of bread in a microwave when I was 15 to hanging in the ducted heating hoping that the warm air would speed it up. Haha whole house stunk for 2 days!

I've seen this question on here before so I thought I'd share what works for me the best.

In an envelope on top of a lampshade works well but takes about 8 hours, on a ceramic saucer ontop of the HID acheived about the same quality smoke but harsher. Takes only about 3-4 hours.

My current favorite way is to microwave on a ceramic saucer for 45secs then put the plate in the freezer for about 2mins. Take it out and have a squeeze, if it doesn't crunch a little then back into the mic for 30secs and freezer for 2mins. Should be right to go!

I know I should wait, all that work etc but sometimes a buds just gotta go.

My bro just reminded me, don't use a plate with any metal trim or you'll set your weed and microwvae on fire like we did!

Here's some pics of the current ladies. They're 43 days into 12/12 now, these were taken day 32. Thought I planted 2 BC Big Buds but I'm pretty sure now that one's a widow. I'll take some tonight when the lights go on at 9!



I know the longer methods work good using lamps, warm air etc but try the mic/freezer way with a small nug one day just to see for yourself. I think you'll be impressed! From experience I prefer the freezer way and it's so much faster.

Those pics were day 32 hence the small buds, this is them now on day 43. Sorry about the shitty pics, got smashed at a mates and left the good cam there.




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